Chapter 8

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Music filled the ballroom with the chatter of the guests that occupied it. People dressed in their finest clothes danced and conversed with each other. The king and queen were among a group of nobles on one side of the room, while Kisshu was pacing on the other.

Pai and Taurto noticed their friend's anxious behavior and went over to him.

"Kisshu." Pai's voiced stopped Kisshu's steps, the prince looking up at him. "What's got you so on edge? You've been pacing since the ball started." The prince tucked his hands behind his back. "I'm waiting for someone." "Waiting for someone as in waiting for a girl?" Taurto asked, a smirk growing. Blooming a light blush, Kisshu confirmed the younger boy's suspicion.

"That's great, Kisshu!" Snagging his wrist, Taurto dragged Kisshu away with Pai following next to them. "You've got to introduce us when she gets here!" Kisshu glanced away, speaking under his breath. "If she gets here."


"They just won't stop coming at us!"

No matter what the Fae did, the shadows would keep surrounding and blocking them. There was no way they could get an opportunity for the carriage to go anywhere. How was Amai going to the ball now?!

Slashing away another shadow, Zakuro looked at Ryou. "Can't you do something?!" He sent a blast at an attacker, panting slightly. "I'm not strong enough to get rid of all of them! Besides, it's like the more we destroy, the more that come!" He yelped while dodging a swipe made by a shadow.

Amai's hands clutched her chest, where she could feel her heart banging against her bones. This wasn't good. Deep Blue was obviously planning something to send his minions here, and a feeling told her it had to do with the ball and Kisshu. If her prince was in danger, then she had to get there.

"Please, help." She whispered a plea to the jewel on her head. It answered her, sending sparkles to Misa. The straps attaching the horse to the carriage broke, then made the creature to float off the ground. Ryou turned around and saw this. "Amai, that's perfect! Ride Misa and go, now!" "Right!" Standing up and opening the door, Amai stepped carefully onto Misa's back. With a loud neigh, Misa flew over the shadows and away.

Amai held onto Misa's neck. "I'm on my way, Kisshu! Wait for me!"


The queen glided across the floor to her son, who stood by a window watching the ball carry on. She stopped on his right. "I was told you were waiting for a special girl, Kisshu?" He nodded. "Yes, but there's no sight of her yet." "Well, you can't be rude." The woman pointed around the room. "There's a lot of lovely young ladies here tonight. Why don't you find someone to dance with while you wait?"

Kisshu looked around, then glanced to his mother with a smile. He bowed and offered out his hand. "May I?" The queen chuckled. "You rascal." The two royals stepped onto the dance floor, joining the other pairs moving gracefully.

Coming through the open doors, standing straight with perfect posture, was Deep Blue's puppet, disguised as Amai in a beautiful black and white dress. Through her eyes, her master could see and hear everything from his hidden spot right outside the ballroom. Kisshu noticed her and stopped dancing.

"Amai." He looked at his mother. "She's here." The two came over to the puppet, who bore a gentle smile. The puppet bowed. "I was almost worried you wouldn't show." Kisshu said. "Nothing would keep me away." The imposter spoke with Amai's voice, quiet and calm. Kisshu smiled and held out his hand. "Dance with me?" The fake Amai took it and let the prince lead her to the middle of the room. Every person noticed the prince about to dance and stepped aside to watch.

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