Sleepovers & New Ideas

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Featured song: 

1. "Like Me" from Teen Beach Movie


The circus performers couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the Casita Castle for the first time. It was so beautiful and colorful, and gigantic too!

"This is your house?" Ahsoka gasped.

"Si. Home sweet home." Mila said.

The castle staff showed everyone where they could place their things and set up some cots for them to sleep on.

As a special treat, there were a couple of sleepovers going on, but the guys separating from the girls, as that was how a typical slumber party went.

The boys were having their sleepover in Camilo's room, and the girls were having theirs in Isabela's room. They'd even invited some of their friends from the village to the sleepover to make it even more fun.

While helping everyone gather pillows and blankets, Mila accidentally dropped one, and bent down to pick it up, only for another hand to accidentally touch hers at the same time.

Both owners of the two hands froze and looked up at each other, the second hand belonging to none other than Tech.

"Oh! Hola, Tech." Mila said.

"Hola.... Mila." Tech replied, albeit nervously.

Tech picked the pillow up and handed it to Mila.

"I believe you dropped this, Princess." Tech said, bowing a bit.

Mila accepted the pillow with a light sigh.

"Tech, I told you, call me Mila. And bowing is really not necessary."

Tech backed up rather nervously, backing into Camilo, startling the prince into shifting into Tech.

"Hey, watch it!" Camilo said, shifting back to normal.

"Sorry about that, Camilo. I was not looking where I was going."

Mila giggled, which had Tech blushing as he went to join the other guys in Camilo's room.

In turn, Mila got to joining the other girls in her cousin's room. Isabela's room was probably the prettiest in the whole castle. All the furniture but the bed was made of lots of beautiful flowers of all different colors. But for some reason, Mila found herself particularly drawn to the roses, while everyone who knew her well enough knew her favorite flower was marigolds.

And with the way Mila was sighing, there was definitely something up.

The girls were all having fun getting mani-pedies, braiding each other's hair, playing Charades, and of course the traditional pillow fight!

"Duck!" Diamond exclaimed, ducking another pillow.

"You're going down, caballos!" Mirabel said, only to get knocked over by a pillow Fiesta threw.

"I don't think so, Princesa." said Fiesta.

Feathers and flower petals were flying everywhere like confetti, and the whole room smelled like perfume. And some of the flowers, they decided to pick them and make flower crowns.

The girls were all laughing as they felt a little tired out by the pillow fight and some of the little girls enjoyed rolling around in the petals on the floor. They felt so soft and smelled so sweet.

"I love your room, Isabela." Gabby said, sniffing some zinnias. "I've never seen so many flowers before."

Isabela thanked Gabby for her compliments, but then noticed Mila was eyeing the roses a little more than usual.

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