Falling For a Hero

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Featured songs:

1. "Falling For Ya" by Grace Phipps from Teen Beach Movie


It was beginning to get dark at the borders of a city called Coruscant, a very big city. Two young  adventurers walked by a trailer park and saw that they were very nearly there.

"Are we there yet?" Mona yawned, riding on Mila's horse.

"Almost, Mona." Mila said. She pet the brown horse's muzzle. "Don't worry, Bonita. We'll fond a place to rest again soon. For now, everyone. We have to try to blend with the locals."

Mona rubbed her eyes tiredly, and then became more awake when she looked up and saw something she'd never seen before!

The lights were bright like millions of stars from the sky to the ground, and there were vehicles that flew up in the air and drove on the ground, people walking down big streets surrounded by enormous buildings that had to be at least the size of the mountains around the Encanto!

"Wow!" Mila gasped. "The city."

Mila and Mona walked down the sidewalk and took in the sights of the city.

"Look at all this!" Mila said. "It's muy grandé."

"It's ginormous!" Mona said. "I wanna see everything."

"Unfortunately, we don't have time for sightseeing. We have to find tough folks to help the kingdom."

So, Mila got Bonita to cross the street with her and Mona, except they very nearly got run over by several vehicles. Fortunately, they were able to get to the other side in time.

"Get off the road!" shouted one driver.

"You blind or something?!" shouted another angry driver.

"That was close." Mila sighed with relief. "You okay, Mona?"

"I think so," said Mona, a little shaken up.

The two girls kept on going, but ran into a lot of rather rude people who pushed them out of the way instead of saying 'excuse me,' or didn't even watch where they were going because they were staring down at their devices, and one even got a little hand-sy around Mila.

"Hey, Beautiful."

Of course, Mila waved her hand and literally threw him to the side.

Mila and Mona kept looking around the city until they both started to get hungry.

"Mila, I'm hungry. Can we stop and eat something?" Mona asked.

"I think that's a good idea." Mila said, but when she checked in the bag. "Uh oh! We're out of food!"

"Oh no! Now what do we do?"

Luckily, Mila spotted something just down the street. A place called Dex's Diner.

"Mira. There's a diner over there." Mila said. "Come on. Let's get some comida, and then maybe we'll be able to find someone who can help us."


In Dex's Diner, it was a busy night. Mila got a table for her and Mona to sit at. Mona liked all the coloring activities on the kid's menu she got.

After they ordered their food, Mona saw that there was an indoor play area for kids.

"What's that?" Mona asked.

"That's a playground, Mona." Mila said. "Oh, and there's a ball pit. That looks like fun."

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