Invading Swarm & Blooming Seeds

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Featured lyrics:

1. Excerpt from "S.O.S." by Rihanna


Back in Encanto, the people rushed as quickly as they could to place any crops they could salvage from the wreckage. Unfortunately, they were lucky to even find fifteen pounds worth of food.

"That's it?!" Bruno cried, seeing all the food. "There has to be more food left in the Encanto."

"If we give up any more, we'll all starve." Julieta said.

"Mariverde won't accept this!" Pepa panicked. If she still had her gift, there would be a huge storm brewing right now.

The triplets approached their mother with great worry in their eyes.
"Mama, it's not enough! What do we do?!" Julieta panicked.

"I-I don't know." Queen Alma said.

It was foggy. Everyone in the Encanto was scared as they began to hear something approaching. The sound of many moth wings buzzing as they fluttered quickly. But the people couldn't see any Puss Moths through all the fog. Then, they heard footsteps coming. At first, they only heard one person's footsteps. Then another, and then another, and then four more! And even more.

Puss Moths walked in from all directions in new armor, all of them carrying staffs, swords, and weapons of all kinds.

And that was when everyone heard the voice of the most feared Puss Moth of all!

"You little termites!" Mariverde shouted, having her mariclavas lift the little food the Encanto gathered. "I give you a second chance, and this is all I get?!"

Mariverde threw all the food down, just barely missing a slew of kids.

"But, Mariverde. We ran out of time!" Julieta said.

"Have all of you been playing all summer?! You think this is a game?"

The people all begged Mariverde to spare them, that they didn't mean for this to happen, but Mariverde, being the ruthless she-psycho she was, didn't give a hoot.

"Well, guess what? You just lost."

Pyra, the vampire Puss Moth, hissed at the children, sending them running in fear, and everyone in the Encanto tried to escape, but everywhere they went, the Puss Moths blocked their way and threatened them with their weapons.

"Not one man, woman, or child sleeps until we get every scrap of food in this kingdom!" Mariverde declared.

"Do what she says, and she might let you live." Gray sang, amid everyone running and screaming.

Queen Alma also tried to escape, but Mariverde landed in front of her.

"Oh, no, no. You're staying with me, Your Highness." Mariverde sneered under her hood.

The Puss Moths rounded up everyone they came across. But the puss moths didn't have quite everyone.

Rosella and Pedro watched from afar with some other children.

"Quick! To the clubhouse!" Rosella whispered.

The children all ran as quickly as they could, following Rosella to a special place Mila had built for the twins. A secret clubhouse that doubled as a bunker. Mila had said it would be a safe place for them to hide if they were alone and there was an emergency. This definitely qualified; the twins didn't need their sister's brain to see that.

Suddenly, Rosella heard the sound of some bushes rustling.

Rosella gasped.

"Rapido!" Rosella exclaimed.

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