The Riddles

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Hope and Mattheo are 6
Tom is 8

"W...will you play dollies with me"hope begs her twin "No!me and Tom are going out...just as soon as he's done talking to father" "Can I come!"
"No hope,only dudes"hope looks down "well what if I was a dude"She smiles "your not hope."

They hear screams and stop there bickering
"uh yeah I'll uh plays dolls with you"hope stares at Mattheo looking petrified "I don't think I want to anymore."

Hope walks over to her bed and lies down facing away from mattheo.

Later that night Tom comes into Hope and mattheos room "you ditched me"mattheo says quietly not wanting to wake hope "sorry,didn't feel too good" "you can tell me the truth,hopes sleeping its just us."

"Your to young Mattheo,your just a kid"

"So are you!please Tom!"

"No!end of"

A year later
"Tommy I...never mind" "hope?what is it"
"No it's silly" she looks down "I think"she mumbles "hope"Tom takes her hand and sits her down next to him "tell me"he says softly.

"Iv had more dreams about mama and I told father but"she starts to sob "but he"She continues to cry.

Tom pulls hope into a warm embrace,he understands what she's trying to say.The new bruises,the scars and hopes still all shaky it's obvious to Tom.

Early that day!
"Tom!to-" mattheo stops searching for his brother when he hears loud sobs.

"Go back to your room!"tom grabs mattheos arm and drags him back to the room "what-who is in there" "I don't know-look it doesn't matter
your fine"Mattheo sits down on his bed "hey Matt where's hope"mattheo shrugs "why" "nothing dosent matter"

Hope and mattheos first day of school
"Just stick together and you'll be fine"Tom says then holds hopes shoulders "the only reason you talk to me is if you feel it coming okay?"hope nods "okay" "good,bye"Tom walks off to another cabin in the train.

Hope sits down and her leg is bouncing
"hey relax" "I can't!what if we don't get Slytherin what if" "H!stop thinking what if just stop worrying it will be fun"hope looks down.

"Knock knock...can we sit"A familiar voice says "of course dude sit"Draco and Andrea Malfoy sit with Mattheo and hope "hi"Andrea says softly to the twins.

Hope smiles then looks down she thinks of her mother.

What hopes thinking of
"Do it" "No!"Three your old hope cry's,she starts screaming "Come on hope,Do it"
"I don't want to"

She sits on the floor crossing her arms and legs "Hope Riddle you get up and do what your told"Her father says,wand in hand.

"Mama!"Hope yells still crying her little eyes out "I want my Mama!" "Avadakedvera!"hope gasps and runs to the door trying to open it.

"Yo-you killed mama!"

"No you did"

"Wha-what?no I did not!"

End of flashback
"I didn't!"hope yells aloud "hope?"Andrea looks at hope confused "sorry...daydreaming"

They arrive at Hogwarts
"Thank merlin!We both got Slytherin!we're not a disappointment!"hope says hugging Mattheo "okay,I can't breath"hope pulls from the hug "sorry"

"Why are we in a dorm together?I could've been with drea or Daphne" mattheo shrugs "i could've been with Theo or Draco" "it is because of your meltdowns"A voice by the door says.

"Meltdowns...I-I uh have no clue what you mean,THERE NOT MELTDOWNS!"Hope moans "whatever they are,you nee someone to keep an eye on you,I told Dumbledore that yous had to share cuz of some twin bond ha he believed it."

Hope looks out the window "I am a young woman now I can make these decisions for my self!" "Your eleven and can't handle your emotions" "just get out my dorm"hope says emotionlessly to Tom.

A few hours later
Tom and Mattheo are walking back from dinner "this was nice...spending time with you again I liked it"Mattheo smiles "Yeah,it was fine" Tom says in a dry tone.

Mattheo goes in his dorm seeing it's a mess
"fuck me" he scans the room "Hope?!can you explain this!"he looks around the room.


"I'm sorry,I'm so so sorry"hope says while she's next to her bed rocking back and fourth "what happened?"he asks "I-I thought of it again,I thought of mama."

"You just stay here I'll get Tom"

He leaves then rushes back with Tom "this is what I mean by meltdowns" "Tom!don't joke"hope says in a mad voice.

"Clean this up now" "what?!all by myself?"Tom nods "yeah all by your self" hope crosses her arms "a lady dose not clean her own mess"
"Well I think you'll find that here at Hogwarts you don't have servants to do everything for you and you have to do it your self"Hope sighs loudly "your the worst."

"I'll help you"Mattheo says then picks up a leg of a chair "really H"he stares at her "sorry,something just came over me I couldn't help it I had no control" "that's disgusting"Tom says "okay well I wasn't taking to you"hope dramatically flips her hair and walks into the bathroom.

"Just leave,I'll handle this"Mattheo says to Tom "Okay good luck you'll need it"Tom exits the room.

A few years later
"Your the stupidest girl I know!"Tom yells barging into hopes room "hello to you too brother,please come in sit"Hope says sarcastically.

"Calling Amdrea a slur,showing those photos of emerald to all those people!" "I think you'll find Pansy called Andrea a slur not me I was just there"hope says acting all smart.

"Yeah well,Emerald's refusing to leave her room,her and matt have been there all day oh and drea she just got in a fight with Pansy,yous next apparently" Hope scoffs "whatever,she can try"

"I'm sorry,for being a dick and for Pansy"Hope mumbles as she stands by dreas dorm door "can we not do this here?"she whispers back.

Hope groans and grabs Dreas wrist and walks back to her dorm.

"Listen I'm sorry,don't get used to this me apologising,it won't happen again" (lie it did)drea looks down "means a lot to me your apologising,but I can't keep doing this so let's just part ways bye hope"Drea goes to the door.

"Stop!"hope jumps on her making drea fall down to the ground "hey!"drea turns around,There faces inches apart.

"Why are you so nervous?"Hope asks looking down at drea,feeling her shaky breath on her skin "y-you make me nervous" "I make you nervous?"hope says smugly "yeah...I think your gorgeous,but you spread rumours about me call me horrid names" "I can change"Hope looks deep into dreas eyes

"Just get off me hope"drea pushes her off "dray?"
"Me or Pansy pick"hope shrugs "I-I" "just what I thought"drea walks out.

"Girl problems?"Hope nods "I can't relate,I'm in such a great relationship"mattheo says sitting by hope.

"You made me girlfriend never want to leave her room again,how dose that make you feel?"hope shrugs "I don't know"she looks down.

"Why am I so horrible" she wipes her eyes "why do I ruin people's life's,yours,Toms,emerald,Andreas,Mama...I ruin everything matt it's who I am"hope sighs "i can live with that"hope lies down in bed "night matt."

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