Regulus black

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iil Regulus
Second year

"Yeah black?"
I look down sorta ashamed "I don't wanna be"I pause.

"You don't wanna be?"Barty says confused.

"I don't wanna be a girl"I mumble "oh,well that is fine,just don't be a girl!easy peasy"Evan whacks Bartys shoulder "it's not that easy knob head"

"Oh!well uh"Barty thinks

"How can we help with you with that?"Evan asks "well yous could help me in some ways"
"We'll do anything you need mate"I pull out scissors.

"We won't kill you mate!"Barty yells "what the fuck"I see Evan mouth.

"Cut my hair like yours"

"Oh right yeah that makes more sense"

"Are you high or something?"Evan asks "for once no"Barty replies "maybe go get stoned,we don't like normal Barty"Evan says then laughs.

"Come here,do you want more my hair or Bartys"

"Uh bit of both...just short!and manly"

"Hey!I got your letter what's up"Jo asks smiling,

We're both sitting at the far end of the library "I have something's to tell you Josette"

"Oh,should I be worried"she says in jokey yet worried tone.

"Depends how you view it"I mutter under my breath,she smiles wider as she awaits what I have to say,

I can see the worry and fear in her eyes,she probably thinks Iv killed Someone or something along those lines,

She's probably thinking that more now cause I haven't spoke in the matter of minutes.

I know I can trust jo,I just hope she doesn't view me differently...

"I don't know how to say this but I...I don't want to be a girl anymore I realise Iv never actually felt comfortable in my own body,but now as I view my self as a boy I feel so much better"I laugh slightly.

Jo just stares at me for a moment still smiling though.

"Are you done talking?"jo asks and I nod my head "okay I just didn't want to interrupt such a statement as that"She holds my hands.

"Yo...your okay with that?" "Of course I am,I want you to be happy my lovely,it's your body you have to feel comfortable in it"She let's go of my hands and slowly placed them on the hood of my robe.

She pulls it down "your hair!"she smiles with more joy in her face "do you like it,the boys in Slytherin done it for me"Jo giggles "I love it!it suits you so well"

"Thank you"I smile "your so welcome"

Fourth year
Before Christmas break

"Why?why are you doing this too me!?I yell
"I'm not doing anything too you,I'm just leaving"
"So your leaving me!Siri don't go"
"I'm sorry reg,I told you,you can come with me"
"I can't!"

"You said you'd never leave me!why are you leaving me"

"I'm not leaving you Regulus your choosing to stay behind"

"Hey,hey it's okay it's okay"Jo says comforting me while I'm curled up into her and her hands are going through my hair.

Mary is at the bottom of the bed and puts her hand on mines every so often.

"It's okay,breath,breath"

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