
15 1 8

3rd year

"Where is She?!"james yells

"We can asks my brother he follows her everywhere"Sirius says as they approach Regulus

"Oi you!"

Regulus groans "yes brother?and J...James,can I help yous"Regulus crosses his arms "where's Jo?"Sirius asks.

"Studying with a professor,she's failing Defence against the dark arts class"

"What?our Jo failing?No way"James says crossing his arms.

"Yes way,now is there anything else I can help you boys with or can I leave?"

"Yes you can fuck off now"

"Jo was meant to help us Prank Snape!what are we gonna do now!"James groans.

With jo
"Miss Potter I am shocked that to are failing"
"Me too Profesor,not to sound like a know it all but may I look over my work again just to make sure"I suggest "No!"The Professor yells snd I looks down,

"r..right sorry,Professor Red"

"Why don't we learn with a game?"he suggests
"Ooh fun!but educational,I love it"I smile.

"Yes,well I'll give you questions,if you get it right I give you a sticker if you get it wrong you have to touch your self"He says the last bit deeply.

"I...I have to What?I really don't think that's how to learn" "oh it is miss Potter it's the best way,but we know you won't get any wrong since your so smart"I nod.

"Alright...I guess if this is how it must be fine,give me the first question!"I smile and cross my arms.

"What are three unforgivable curses"

"Avada kedvra the killing curse, crucio the torturing curse and Impirio its the um the uh controlling curse?"

"Hm good enough tell me what this creature is called"Red pulls out a photo of a furry creature "Professor that's-thats fourth year work"

"You still have to guess"

"But I don't know it!I haven't been taught it yet!"


"Professor that's unfair"

"Touch your self"

I hit my shoulder "you happy!"

"No...not like that take your clothes off and do it"

I look around nervously "profesor this is uncomfortable for me" "tsk well you have to learn"

He comes over and hold my hands and guides them to my shirt.

"Don't!don't you dare touch me..I'll do it my self"I pull my hands away and slowly un button my shirt.

I then pull down my skirt,

My heart is pounding my eyes are hurting this just doesn't feel right.

"Go on then you got it wrong,it's either you or me so come on Josette"he leans back on his desk and crosses his arms looking at me.

I move my hand from my neck downwards and stop at my underwear "next question please"I tremble he moves away from the table and puts his hands on mines trying to move them "WHAT THE FUCK!Stop!"I push him away " question please" "fine,what's this called"

"Sir that's..that's fifth year work!why are you doing this?!"

"No answer still means you got it wrong Miss Potter."

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