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Andrea is 1

"Dracos already walking and talking and she can't stand without falling over" "she is still a baby maybe it's just taking longer for her"Narcasisa picks up baby Andrea.

"Maybe we should get her checked again,see if there's anything that's a sign of learning difficulties or something"Narcasisa suggests "I guess but I think it's just a waste of time"

Andrea is six
"Haha you can't catch me" my twin brother says running about our massive house "hey!wait up"I says running after him.

He runs into her room "dray!"I shout hitting any door "what the heck is this?"Draco asks opening the door "what?"I says confused,he holds up a magazine.

"Well?" "I just uh like the dresses" "why are there faces circled then"I sigh and take it out of his hand.

"It's mine and none of your business!"I storm off I'm a huff (I do that a lot I just need a dramatic exit)

"Andrea honey come sit"my mother says and I go over "we're going out for dinner,to the riddles house"I hear my mother says in a dull tone as she brushes my hair.

"Okay" i says in my soft kid voice,my mother puts my hair in a bun,I always hated them but she said they made me look mature or whatever.

"Go upstairs into your room and pull out the blue dress and put it on Andy ,we're leaving in half an hour"I run upstairs to my bedroom and pull on my dress.

We arrive at the riddles,There house is twice the size of mines!we walk in and Draco holds my hand "are you nervous"I whisper "what no,don't be silly dray" "sure dray"we have the same nick name it's confusing.

We walk into this massive dining room and I catch eyes with this girl,she has the most lovely Auburn hair,it's so shiny and hairy?is that the right word to use.

"Hi!im hope"i stare at her for a moment in awe "I'm Andrea" "want to go to my room?" I nod.

We sit on her bed "Andrea huh?" "Yeah?do you not like the name"  "I do it's just so long"the girl laughs slightly "how about drea as a nick name"
"Drea?"i smile "I love it"

"Andrea let's go!"I hear my mother yell "I hope to see you again" "me too"

Drea is Ten
"Why do you keep closing your eyes then opening them" Draco asks "I don't know?it's just relaxing"I says then look down still blinking slowly but constantly.

"Stop it!it's weird" "oh sorry,I'm just gonna go up to bed"I exit then go upstairs.

"Andrea honey,are you going to bed"
"yes mother,do you need anything"Narcasisa gestures to my room and we both walk in.

"We got the results back from your tests"my mother holds my hands "you've got ASD and Anxiety,the doc said that you could get some anxious tics" "oh okay that's good we heard back right?" "Right,but you have medication to take one in the morning one at night"Narcasisa smiles lightly at me.

"Ill go get a glass of water" "okay mummy"I smile at her.

A few minutes later my mum comes back in with water "here you go honey"I take the pill.

"Here"my mum gives me some chocolate "Don't tell your father I gave you chocolate before bed"I smile "thanks"she kisses my forehead
"night Andy" "night"

My mother always called me Andy as a nick name turn out I have a lot of nick names now.

First day at hogwarts
"Hope!" "Dray!we meet again"we both smile at each other then hug.

"So glad we're in the same house" "same!" I can't help but look deep into her eyes,there so shiny and bright,she laughed at a joke her brother made but I didn't listen to the joke only her cute little giggle.

"Im going to bed I'm so tired" "okay night hope"
"Goodnight dray"

When Pansy joined
"Iv always wanted to kiss a girl"Enzo says to the group "that's un likely"Theo says and Enzo nudges him "hey!"

"Same,I think kissing a girl would be a great experience"I says and they all stare at me "really?"hope smirks at me "yeah"

Hope grabs dreas chin then kisses her then pulls away "okay whoa"all the boys says,I can't stop smiling why can't I stop smiling!

The new girl walks over and sits at the bottom of the table.

"Hope"my voice cracks "I don't want to hang out with you anymore" "but" "ANDREA!your way to much to handle 'but this' 'I can change ' I don't care!pansy and I are friends and I don't need you I never did"Hope yells as Pansy stands behind her smirking at me bitch.

"Hope,are you honestly just flinging everything away...what about yesterday" "yesterday?"hope scoffs "I felt bad for you Andrea"I breath in out and my eyes start to blink a lot.

"What the hell is she doing"Pansy laughs,I walk out and into my dorm they don't get it.

Everything goes blurry,my hands are shaking my heart is pounding,there getting worse I count to ten to try calm down and it works this time.

"Pansy just a bitch she's all bark no bite"I says to emerald "She doesn't scare me it's fine"emerald smiles at me "cool"

Iv never had a female friend since hope stopped talking to me it was always me and Enzo or me and Mattheo so this was nice.

"We have Flying third period tomorrow"I groan "is that a bad class?"Emerald asks "it's boring"She laughs slightly "Im sure we can have fun if we're together"I look at her and smile "yeah"

Me and emerald are in the changing room before flying and the girls at the other side keep laughing at me I don't know why,they finally get out and emerald walks over to where they were standing.

She gasps "what is it?" "Stay there don't come over here"Emerald says in a shaky voice "Emerald your scaring me!"

Hope walks in and Pansy stands at the door smirking.

I runs over to emerald and is shocked on what she sees written on the wall.
"Is it true?"Emerald asks me and I gulp "yeah,that's just not the word I'd use to put it" I sniffle "we can go to Dumbledore about this"
"No em!Lets just go"I glare at Pansy before walking out.

Hope then looks at the wall "why would you write that?"she asks Pansy shrugs "wasn't me"she giggles "you called her a-I am one of them Pansy!I don't think you understand how that can make her feel!" "Why do you care how she feels"
"I don't"

Later that night Emerald and drea walk back into the common room talking and laughing "what is he doing?"Emerald whispers into my ear.

"Boy move!"Theo and enzo where standing by our dorm door "I-I'm not sure that's a smart idea"Enzo says and drea pushes him out the way.

"Who did this"I ask firmly "Pansy"Enzo says looking down I go into my dorm slamming the door.

Emerald looks at the door "why would she write all that?I mean what is she getting from it"
"It's pansy it's what she dose"Mattheo says and emerald nods "yeah well it's shit"Emerald walks into her dorm.

"Dray?where'd she go?"emerald walks about the room,She then sees Drea lying on the floor shaking and her eyes are rolled back "oh my Merlin!Draco!"

I'm In the hospital wing "she had a seizure"Pomfrey says to emerald and Draco
"what?again?"Draco says "again?"Emerald mumbles.

"I love you so much" "I love you more"I kiss hope on her forehead "dray hun your hands are like Ice"hope says then touches me forehead "baby your cold as Ice" "im fine,just means we need to cuddle more to warm me up"Hope gets off
the bed.

"We're going to get you checked out"
"your being dramatic" "I'll get Matt to drag you there again" I scoff "okay let's go."

"See I told you I'm fine" "yeah well emerald would've killed me if I didn't check" i smile at hope "pomfrey told you to drink hot fluids,so I'll make you some tea."

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