
17 1 11

This chapter will be about emerald Lupin in a few different time lines!this will be emerald point of view.

Her first Halloween
"Uncle padfoot and Moony are coming soon baby can you say moony or padfoot"Rose says in a baby voice picking up baby emerald.

I bubble in the mouth and stick my small baby tongue out making my mother laugh.She places me in my playpen and i play about with my toys.

My mum rushes over to me and takes me upstairs then starts packing a baby bag,I start to cry and cry and cry "Shh baby d-don't cry we'll be okay just shh"Rose says still making the bag,My mother looks out the window as fear fills her face.

She holds me tights and places me in the wardrobe with my baby bag next to me "I love you so much and daddy loves you so much"Rose says softly then places a soft kiss on my  forehead.

It's been 30 minutes and Iv cried non stop,where'd my mum go?...

"Emerald!"I hear someone yell "emerald!"the noise gets closer "baby oh my Merlin thank goodness your alright"It was my uncle Moony,he holds me tight and kisses my forehead.

Emeralds 6!

"Dad!Dad!"I run in the kitchen "come out!come see what I made!"I hold my fathers hand and we both run outside.

I show him a den mad with wood and branches "me and mae made it isn't it cool!"I smile and he looks down at me smiling "I love it"he picks me up and spins me around.

I love my father he's always helped me out and made the best meals I don't know what I'd do without him!

"Emerald baby your gonna have to go to bed earlier tonight"I cross my arms and frown "I don't want to!" "Well you have too"I look down and frown with my legs crossed.

I finish my dinner go upstairs "did you brush your teeth"I nod "good"I walk into my room and lie down on my supper cool bed!it's pink with a canopy over it.

My father comes in tuck me in and leaves a soft kiss on my forehead "goodnight emerald"
"Goodnight daddy,love you"I say as I doze off into a peaceful sleep.

It's a sunny day so I run outside and see my den is broken,I start to cry as my father hears my cry he runs out too me.

"Emerald what is it baby"
"m-my den I-is broken!"I cry and he looks super sad almost like guilty sad "I'm sorry"I wipe my eyes "it's not your fault"my father sighs it looked like he was gonna say something.

"Actually it is"he kneels down so he's around my height "I didn't want to tell you this because your very young and i don't want to expose you to the big scary world just yet but...when I was younger I got bitten by a werewolf and that turned me into one so on ever full moon i turn into a wolf"My mouth is wide open. I didn't hesitate to hug my father.

Emeralds 10th Birthday

I noticed my father sneaking around downstairs I watched from the steps before fully going down.

I see him go into the living room so I slowly go downstairs then walk in "Morning!"I smile "Morning em!Happy birthday"I see him hide an envelope in his back pocket but I don't think much of it.

My father got me so many books and jumpers for my birthday I mean considering my birthday is the first of November I'll need warm clothes.

"I love this thank you dad!"I hug him then look back down at the book I was holding it was about crystals.

"What time did you say Mae and Ellyan was coming round?"Remus asks and I shrugs "I don't know just whenever she decides too"Remus nods "okay,put all the magic books upstairs then"I nod and carry them all up.

Mae knows I'm kinda magic but not much of it she doesn't know my dads a wizard or a wolf she only thinks I'm like witchy with Crystals and stuff.

The door goes and I rush too it "Mae!" "Em!"they hug "Ellyan said he won't be long"Mae nods "sorry em you know how I don't have a lot of money the only thing I got you for your birthday is this"Mae hands me a big bit of paper covered in brown,orange and red leafs.I smile so much "I love it mae"I hug her again.

Ellyan finally shows up and the three sit in emeralds back garden "Oh I have a question for you,Em if you were ever to leave would you find a new best friend"Emerald shrugs "no one could replace yous"Mae nods "right answer"she jokes witch makes me laugh.

Mae always made me laugh but there were points where I did think maybe if I made other friends they wouldn't steal things and smoke and do drugs,luckily enough my dad doesn't know mae and Ellyan do that or hr probably wouldn't let me see them.

August 31st 1994

"I'm gonna miss yous so much"Emerald holds Maes hands "where are you going?" "Just away for a bit,I'm gonna miss yous both of yous"Emerald sighs "we'll miss you too"Ellyan hugs her.

"I swear em if this is some excuse not to talk to us" "it's not mae,I don't even really want to go but I have too"mae nods slowly "okay fine,I believe you"She then Hugs me.

"I have to go now me and my father are leaving early tomorrow morning"Emerald and mae do a hand shake...

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