The Letter

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On a little house in the town of Barnton, a young man was sleeping lazily on his bed. His limbs sprawled out, his blanket thrown across his body and drool dripping from the side of his mouth.

Then, a loud knocking on his door awoke him. He sat up on his bed, letting out a tired yawn as he groggily rubbed his eyes. His door swung open, revealing a middle-aged looking woman. Blonde hair, brownish eyes and a fair look.

"You awake yet, sleepyhead?" The woman called out to him, leaning against his doorway.

"Mmmm... morning, mum." The boy lazily greeted her, his sleepy eyes gazing at her.

A roll came upon her eyes, "Get yourself ready, will you, Y/N? You can't be sleeping in." She told him firmly. "Not when it's your birthday."

Y/N nodded in confirmation and his mother disappeared, the sound of her footsteps heading downstairs being the only indication of where she went. Y/N did as he was told and got ready for the day. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and then made his way downstairs.

"So, I was thinking," his mother began as Y/N took a seat down at the dining table, watching as his mother placed a delicious-looking stack of pancakes in front of him, "today maybe we could head to the theaters? Watch a movie, or go to the arcade if you want, and then we could then head to the bookstore and you can pick any book you want, and I'll buy it for you, and then after all that, I'll drop you by Landon's house," his mother ruffled his hair as he picked up a pancake using his fork and stuffed it into his mouth, "Sound good?"

Y/N nodded to her as he chewed down on the pancake he stuffed into his mouth. His mother let out a light chuckle, wanting nothing more than to pinch her son's cheeks. "Oh, and another thing!" She said excitedly, heading over to the living room before returning, her hands behind her back, "Guess what came into the mail today...."

She slowly pulled her arms from her back, revealing a small, neatly-made envelope, which had a bright red seal on it in which Y/N could vaguely make out a logo of something.

"Uhm— what is that?" He asked her after gulping down the pancake, giving his mother a confused look.

"What does it look like? It's the Hogwarts Acceptance Letter!" His mother informed him, beaming with joy as she held the letter, showing it to her son who seemed anything but overjoyed.

"Oh... right..." He mumbled, his eyelids drooping. "Mum, I thought we talked about this. I don't wanna go to Hogwash—"


"—whatever! I don't wanna go off to some far off school in the middle of nowhere to learn how to turn a frog back into a man. I wanna live a normal life."

His mother sighed, knowing this would be her son's reaction. Ever since she first informed him about how his life was going to be, about how one day he'll go off to become a wizard and learn in a fantastic school, his reaction remained firm ever since she first told him.

"This is a normal life for you, Y/N." She told him, waving the letter around in the air. "You're a wizard."

"Then I wanna live a normal life for people who aren't wizards." He told her, irritation clear in his voice. "Look mum, I'm not going to whatever school that is. I'm not gonna learn how to flick a wand properly or whatever. I'm going to stay here, and live a normal life like a normal person!" He stated firmly, giving his mum a look that said 'you can't talk me out of it.'

His mum relented, her arms dropping to her side disappointedly, still clutching the letter. "Alright..."

Y/N scarfed down the rest of his meal and him and his mum then left the house, with his mother placing the letter on top of the kitchen counter before they did. They got into the car and it rumbled to life with the turn of a key and they were on their way to the mall to get the plan for the young man's birthday started.

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