Chapter 1 - An 'Epic' Moment

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6 months later...


Dust's View:
* Ready to go down for breakfast?

Epic nodded, using magic to huge the bump.

* Dream and Ink said Blue wanted to have a talk with all the mother's and potential mothers so after breakfast I'll be with 'em.

* You sure you're up for it? It must be exhausting nowadays...

Epic took a huge sigh, smiling at me.

* If it's too much, I'll take a break, I promise.

I nodded and we went downstairs to the others. It had been a month since Luna and Slash left for university; we missed them a lot.

* G'morning you too!

* Morning Blue.

We sat down and dug in. I really wanted Epic to just stay on bed rest and relax but they insisted they were fine. We didn't want to find out the gender yet...but I was so excited to find out!

* Let's go have the meeting guys. :)

Epic's View:
We went into one of the meeting room and sat down. Noir didn't wanna leave Outer's side so he stayed with us.

* Riiight, so. With the new potential threat lurking about, I think we gotta up the number of missions we do weekly.


* Wouldn't we be less efficient?

* Perhaps..but after the threat to the teens, then the kids, I fear the toddlers and babies are next.

* Did we get any info on the guy?

* Nope. All we know is that he's human, and has magic.

* A hybrid like Grace?

Ink nodded.

I moved in my seat, trying to get into a comfortable positive. I may have been using magic to hide the bump, but the weight of it was still there. My priority was keeping this a secret for as long as I could. The baby was due in the next two weeks or so and don't get me wrong, I was really excited, but with the mission piling up and the multiverse under was pretty concerning.

* Epic? You okay?

* Pfft, I've never seen you in such deep thoughts before.

* Ah- sorry. I have to agree with Ink though, we can't burn ourselves out.

The other nodded and Dream sighed.

* Alright then, let's just hope everything is alright for the next few weeks. Dismissed! :)

I went to my bedroom and laid down, taking a sigh of relief. The baby bump appeared and I slowly sat up and smiled.

* So ready to meet you little one...

There was a knocked on the door and I immediate put the spell back on.


* Come in!

Cross opened the door with Star in his arms.

* Morning Epic, how are ya?

* I'm great thanks, you? :)

* Good thanks! Have you talked to Luna and Slash yet?

* Yeah, we facetimed them yesterday. They've finally finished unpacking and their lectures begin tomorrow. 😄

* Awesome. I was thinking about it...would you ever consider adopting?

* At first..yeah, but Dust and I are determined to have one of our own...

* Very understandable. Have you talked to Sci about it?

* Not really, do you think it would help?

* Maybe. :)

* Alright, I'll talk to him when I can. I am so tireddddddd.

* Haha no worries, I'll leave you to get some rest.

He left and I undid the spell...again. Dust had a meeting with his team and then they were off on a mission.

Grace's View:
I finished cleaning the bottom floor before taking a break in the garden. The flowers were so beautiful...they reminded me a lot of my family.

"Have you finished cleaning?" Joseph asked.


"My mother said you don't need breaks. Plus, my room needs cleaning, y'know.."

He stepped in front of me, crossing his arms and smirking.

"I have so much to do today...can't you clean it yourself..?"

"Seriously? You're here for a reason y'know."

"Well I'm sorry, but you'll have to clean it yourself this time."

I left and went to my room...or rather the storage room in which ud moved all the Dusty old boxed and bought a foldable bed for myself. I had homework and projects to catch up on. If I could get it all done by that night, I could go visit H-

"How DARE you disrespect my son? You thought you'd insert yourself here for free? Stupid girl."

Aunt grabbed my arm and forced me to follow her.

"Wait- you're g-grabbing me too hard!"

"Shut up, like I said last week, the basement is where you really belong."

She threw me in, locking the door behind her.

At this point, I was used to the darkness...

My aunt had paid a wizard to outline the basement with a spell that set off night terrors in those within it. I felt myself grow tired...but I kept awake for as long as I could...

Until I couldn't.


Epic's View:
I woke up and went to find some snacks to eat. I went to the downstairs pantry - located next to the living room - and chose out my favourites. I was waiting for the elevator when Dream approached me.

* Hey Epic! You okay?

* Yeah...just getting some snacks for myself and Dust when he comes back.

* Awww lovely. Jammy and Lux are inviting us all for a 'tea party'. Would you like to join us?

* Sure. :)

I followed Dream to the playroom, using magic to teleport the snacks to my room. Ink, Outer, and Blue were also here. Noir and Navy were there too. About 20 minutes had gone by before I stood up and cringed.

Was that a contraction?

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