Chapter 4 - A Broken Promise

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Nightmare's View:
I teleported to the tree of feelings and sat down next to it.

You need to calm d-
Don't tell me how to feel.

I punched the ground in frustration before taking some deep breaths.

You're gonna hurt yourself, stop doing that!
I'm not gonna repeat myself. Shut. Up.
You can't silence me.

* I'll hear ya if you want.

I look on the other side of the tree.

It was Error.

* You woke Jammy and Palette up.

* Oh...sorry...

* It's cool, Ink had too much energy so hopefully getting them back to bad will exhaust him.

* Mm.

Awkward silence.

* You have every right to be pissed. You're son was hidden from you, Killer's partner, Dream's corruption, now this, I heard ya.

* Gee, thanks.

* You'll feel a lot better if you talk to Blue about it. Like sit down and address it, that's what Ink and I did after the situation we had.

* Blue doesn't want to talk about it.

* He's just as stubborn as you.

* Whatever Error, go away.

* Okay but talk to your team too, you never know how long till Horror is ready to have kids.

One week later...

Hope's View:
I looked at Grace as she exited class, she looked worried...I mean...she had every reason to be. Moving into a new home wasn't an easy change. I approached her as she opened her locker shakily.

* Are you alright, Grace?

"I...not really.." she said, looking down.

* Can I be of any help?

"It's best if you stay away actually..but follow me.."

We went to a storage room in the school and she closed the door. Grace took a deep breath before getting a folder out of her back.

"Everything makes sense now..the curse, it wasn't coincidental. M-My aunt, she did this..she planned this..she was jealous of us, look, I found the contact in her office as I was cleaning the room."

She handed it to me and I read it, my soul freezing with worry for her...she was unsafe.

* You should stay with us.

"She can't know I know..I got my curse all wrong.."

I read the files.

Benji's Curse - Using magic comes at the cost of weakening his organs every time.

Mother's Curse - Every breath depleted her magic slowly but surely

Father's Curse - Every blink killed him slowly

Grace's Curse - Feeling fear turns her into Malina.

* Who's Malina?

"I don't know...I can't remember anyone with that name.."

I thought for a bit.

* I have an idea. I'm gonna come home with you-

"Hope, you know you can't! My aunt won't allow guests."

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