Chapter 3 - Welcome, Ember.

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Dust's View:
A cry.

A ferocious cry.

A very relieving cry.

I felt like I could finally breathe as we heard the cry of our baby.

'She's a girl! Congratulations!' 🎊

Epic was crying in exhaustion as well as joy. Was it bad that I wasn't crying at all..?

'Dust, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?'

* I'm..I'm allowed to do that?

'Of course! Come.'

I went to the other side and the nurses told me how to cut it and I did. They immediately took our babygirl up to Epic's face.

* Sh-She's beautiful...she's so lovely..

Two hours later...

We couldn't take our eyes off our little girl. Newborns wouldn't usually open their eyes until a day or two after entering the world. She's was fast asleep in her hospital cot.

* How will we break the news to the others..? Do we even have to?

* They'd find out eventually. I think they'd hear her cry. 😅

* We haven't even chosen her name yet...

I sighed, Epic was right. We had a lot on our plate. But the baby name..?

One popped into my mind.

* about Ember?

Epic fell silent for a bit, looking at our daughter.

* It's perfect...our little Ember...

I smiled, giving Ember a kiss on the forehead.

* The doctors said everything went really well, but I might be pretty sore for the next few weeks...we should be able to leave tomorrow.

* How about we surprise them when we get there?

* Sure. :)

The Next Day...


Slash's View:
I used my keys to unlock the door and everyone was glad to see Luna and I.

* Pfft guys, we haven't been gone THAT long!

"Hehe, you said you had a surprise for everyone?" Amelia asked, sitting down with her sisters.

I nodded.

* Everyone stay in the living room.

So they did. I went outside and saw Dad parking the car. He'd sent me pictures of my sister and oh boy was I excited to meet her. Ma opened the car door and I rushed to see her.

* She's...she's so ADORABLE!!!

* Hehe, you're a big brother now. 😊

I nodded as I used magic to wear the big brother shirt Dust had gotten for me. I helped them with their things and went inside. I knocked on the living room door.

* Is everyone ready to see my surprise?

They all said yes. I opened the door and everyone was confused, not noticing the change of shirt.

* Where's the surprise?

I rolled my eyes.

* Notice anything different?

Jammy tapped Error on the lap before walking up to me and point st my shirt.


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