Chapter 5 - Attempts and Fails

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Dream's View:
* They...they tried to alter our memories..Cross we need to find both of them. We made a promise to them.

* The team have gone to the house, they'll be there most likely. Don't worry, Hope is strong.

That horrible feeling had returned...I was so grateful that Amelia, Delilah and Ellie were having dinner with us..they sensed the magic in our food.

* I'm not making the same mistake as I did with Bloom. We sat at home, leaving others to deal with our family issues, Cross we need to save him!

This wasn't up for debate. I teleported and saw that Night had already broken the door down.

"Your stupid nephew isn't here!!"

* Stab the son again, Kills.

* No problemo~

I couldn't feel Hope's aura. If he wasn't in the house, at the very least they had taken him somewhere. I walked around, ending up at a storage room with a small bed in it. Grace's bag was here, some clothes, books, pictures.

* Nightmare, bring the aunt over here!

And so he did.

"He's not here, you IDIOTS."

* No, but he was here. His book is here. So I'll give you one last chance...where's my son.

"...I..he went. He left AGES AGO."

* So you've taken him somewhere.

Her eyes went dark.

"Like I'd tell you anything. You do anything to me and he's dead. Dead like your stupid daughter, Bl-"

She screamed as I used magic to overwhelm her with light magic (when used in excess on a person, it can be incredibly painful). I stood up and walked towards her, spawning in my sword.

* I won't hesitate to make your life not worth living. Tell me where my son is.

Nightmare's View:
Dream needed to be very careful. It had been months since Shattered was gone, and Dream was actually happy for once. He was producing negative feelings.

"Your son is burning in hell."

I wrapped a tentacle around the stupid aunt's neck, getting tighter and tighter.

"D-Don't hurt h-her!"

* Tell us where they are.


* He's not an object of trade, you fool.

"I would have to disagree there~"

I turned around to see a girl who looked just like Grace..but the aura was a polar opposite.

"Dream!Sans. The twin that lets their feelings take over too quickly. It's clear that Hope loves Grace, he was willing to go through anything for her.."

* Let him go, I will NOT repeat myself.

"If he escapes the MindLock, then you can get him easy peasy. If not, then him AND Grace will stay there forever."

* Where's the MindLock?

"A reality that's merged with ours, but neither can see the other. If he can get to the exit, my existence will cease and the power my family has will disappear, removing the curse forever."

Hope's View:
I looked around, this was all a game to them. My hands were locked and I was in a cell, but there were markings on the walls. Like Malina said, this was all a puzzle.

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