Chapter 6 - Deja Vu

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Hope's View:
I closed the door behind me and blinked.

There was a knock on the door and Mother opened the door.

* Good morning sweetheart, breakfast is ready..get changed and come down, okay? :)

I nodded happily, sitting up and Ma gave me a cup of water. Bloom and I were baking today! I excitedly got ready before running downstairs with my sister, meeting our parents at the dining table. When Ma came to wake me up, my eyes were foggy, but now that I was more awake, I noted a mark on their face.

Everyone dug into their meals.

* Mother?

* Yes my love..?

* What's that on your face?

Father looked at Ma's face.

* I..I knocked into a wall this morning, haha, I wasn't fully awake..

[ * You should put some ice on it. ]

* W-Will do..

We continued eating before finishing and putting our plates and cutlery into the dishwasher. Bloom went to print off the recipes in Father's office and I was about to open the dining room door when I paused.

[ * I told you to hide it. ]

* A-And I d-didn't work..

[ * Oh so now you're a bad mother and a liar? ]

* N-No..I-I'm s-

My soul froze as I heard a loud noise.
Had mother fallen to the floor?
I knocked on the door?

* Father? Can I come in..?

[ * Sure thing, son. ]

I opened the door...and mother wasn't there.

But I thought-

Father came down to my level and smiled.

[ * You okay bud? ]

* I thought you and Ma were arguing...

[ * Oh Hope, no, I was helping my sunlight with the little mark on their face, no need to worry. Are you excited to bake today? :) ]

I nodded excitedly before going to get Bloom.

Today was gonna be perfect day!

Grace's View:
I hesitantly pressed the dial button and waited for an answer.

A few second passed by.

( * ..Hello? Who is this, please? )

I could hear the sadness in their voice.

"U-Um...Hope's mother? It's me, Grace..."

( * Ohmygod, are you and Hope okay!? We're so worried, please tell me you're almost home..! )

"Maybe, I dunno..the last stage is really hard, only one of us needed to do Hope insisted he did..he said I should choose you as the one phone call we got to make everyday."

( * He's always been selfless like that, I beg he didn't give you the option to choose yourself. )

"Hehe, yeah. I gotta call you, because it's required for this last stage...but also every day I call you, a piece of us will be forgotten, so I need to keep talking to you...if that's okay with you.."

( * Of Hope hurt? )

"...Uh...he got hurt in the last task, he was protecting me.."

( * Sorry I asked's just, Lux - Hope's little sister - predicted it. )

"Ah, I are you doing? I'm sorry it wasn't Hope on the phone instead.."

( * It's alright sweetie, he's very protective over the people he cares about. )

Hope's View:
* Done!

Bloom and I high fives as we finished our cupcakes. They were perfectly baked, frosted, and decorated. :D

Mother and father came into the kitchen, smiling.

* They look wonderful you two!

I went to hug my father when-

Ohmygod, what is this-
Is this my childhood?!
I need to get mother out of there-

I frowned and walked out of the room, leaving everyone else before going to my room.

Either mother or father would come and talk to me, right?

There was a knock on the door and I sat on my bed, ready.

[ * Hope? Can I come in? ]

I didn't respond.

He came in anyways.

[ * Are you alright buddy?- ]

* I know what this is. I know about you.

[ * I don't know what you mean by that, Hope- ]

* Don't play stupid with me. I know what you did to Mother, THE PAIN..I'M FROM THE FUTURE- I..I don't know why I'm here in the past but if there's one thing I regret it's not KILLING YOU WITH ME OWN H-

A tentacle grabbed me by the neck and slammed me up against the wall.

[ * You dare to talk to your father that way. ]

it felt painful because I was only a kid-


[ * I don't know what point of the future you're from, but in this current time, you obey me. You listen to me. Do I make myself clear? ]

Mother opened the door and froze in fear.

* W-What are you doing to him?! Shattered put him down!-

[ * He's from the future. He can't stay. ]

Day 1 - Fail


Day 2...

I closed the door behind me and blinked.

There was a knock on the door and Mother opened the door.

* Good morning sweetheart, breakfast is ready..get changed and come down, okay? :)

I nodded happily, sitting up and Ma gave me a cup of water. Bloom and I were baking today! I excitedly got ready before running downstairs with my sister, meeting our parents at the dining table. When Ma came to wake me up, my eyes were foggy, but now that I was more awake, I noted a mark on their face.

Everyone dug into their meals.

* Mother?

* Yes my love..?

* What's that on your face?

Father looked at Ma's face.

* I..I knocked into a wall this morning, haha, I wasn't fully awake..

[ * You should put some ice on it. ]

* W-Will do..

I smiled, going to the freezer.

* I can get the ice Ma! :D

* Thank you dear.. :)

I handed Mother an ice pack before going back to eat my breakfast. Recently, Bloom and I could see there was a lot of tension between Mother and Father, and we loved them both very much so we were trying to be on our best behaviour so they wouldn't be so upset! We finished having breakfast and cleaned up before getting into the car and going to the stop to buy the things needed for the baking. I went with Father as Bloom went with Mother.

* Father?

[ * Yes, my son. ]

* Is Ma okay?

[ * What do you mean? ]

Father put some things into the trolley.

* Ma's been more sad recently, I've felt it..

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