Chapter 7 - One Secret

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Ink's View:
* Jammy, eat your breakfast please!

Jams was simply looking at his food, completely absent minded. Error entered the room with Palette, who waddled right next to him. Error put Palette into his highchair before going over to Jam.

* C'mon bud, you've got nursery today.

Jammy crossed his arms, shaking his head.

* PaperJam.

Jammy glared at Error before throwing his food onto the floor.

* Jammy what's wrong? You should throw y-

* Pick all of that up, now.

Error's View:
Jammy got off his chair and started walking out of the room. I took his hand gently and pointed as the food on the floor.

* Young man, clean up the mess you've made. I understand if you're not in a good mood, but that doesn't justified this behaviour. Now pick us the food.

He did what he was told before going back to his room.

* You were a little harsh on him, Error..

* Ink that wasn't harsh, that was setting boundaries...he needs to learn to control his feelings.

Ink sighed, before putting his plate of food down.

* I should go talk to h-

* Not yet...let him calm down and compose himself first, then we can go talk to him, okay?

He nodded as we hugged one another. Jammy may have been young, but he was extremely mature for his age. The way he communicated with people was phenomenal giving that he was barely verbal for a 5-going-on-6 year old. We finished breakfast before going to his room.

* Jammy..?

He turned his head away from us, picking up his colouring pencils.

This was gonna take a while...


Outer's View:
* That's awesome! Does Night approve?

* He does indeed. With the current mysterious threat not being targeted at the adults, he should ut should be good. :)

Killer put Noir in his car seat and we both sat in the front. Today was my first day as a waitress as the new cafe near us...I was really excited! Killer dropped me off before driving to Noir's daycare. I was welcomed with open arms.

"Nice to have you as part of our staff. You said in your application that you've been a waitress before?"

* Yup, back in the timeline I came from.

"Great. No need for an introductory session. When you're ready, you can begin."

* Thank you, Sir!

And so I did. It felt almost nostalgic to take orders and clean tables. In a way, it was relaxing.

* One classic hot chocolate!

One order after the other,

* Steak sandwich with a cola!

After the other,

* Two banana splits!

And before you knew it, the day was over. I was wiling down the tables as other workers left. My boss came out to the main room as I was finishing up.

"You've done a great job today; thank you for cleaning up."

* You're very welcome Sir!

I continued cleaning, my boss just...stood there watching me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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