Chapter 2 - Because I Love You

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Epic's View:
* Epic I think little Lux over here made a wonderful cup of tea for you!

Dream said, smiling at Lux.

Lux nodded, bringing a chair next to her.

* It's purple tea!

Lux was so excited...

* Awww, that's so sweet of you Lux. How put the tea in a takeout cup and I'll write you a positive review..!

Her eyes sparkled with excitement and did exactly that.

* Dust will be here soon, so I gotta go tidy the room a little. 😅

* No worries, see you at dinner!

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me before quickly making my way back to my room and ringing Dust.

It went to voicemail.

Not to worry.
It was probably just a cramp.


A cra-

* Bruh...this doesn't feel good at all..

I left Dust a few text messages before going to our en suite and filling the bathtub with some lukewarm water. An hour or so went by before the others arrived home, Dust immediately coming upstairs to me.

* Sorry I came so late! How are you feeling? Should we go to a hospital??

* The contractions aren't too bad, and my water hasn't actually broken yet...I think we still have some time before we go to the hospital.

* Are you sure..? Gosh we need to pack the hospital bag..okay okay you relax in the bath, I'll get this all sorted-

* Dust, don't panic, we'll be okay, we just need to stay calm. Deep breaths, my love. 😅

He took a few deep breaths before going to make sure the bath was nice and warm for me. I followed behind him and he helped me into the tub.

* I'll go call the doctor.

I nodded as he left the room.

A few hours later...


Dust's View:
Epic's water had broken and it was more or less time to go to the hospital. I went downstairs to the others, they were preparing dinner.

* Uh guys, I'm gonna take Epic to the hospital, I think he's poisoning or something...

They turned around to face me.

* Oh dear...should I heal him? It may help.

* Oh no, it's alright-

* It would save a lot of time, Dust.

I looked over at Nightmare, who was giving some chopped fruits to Navy.

I had to think of an excuse.

* We read in a book that magic might lower risk of baby Epic doesn't want magic- anyways they're not feeling well so I'm gonna take 'em, I'll update ya soon guys.

* Alright, we'll come visit if Epic gets admitted!

I slowly nodded before teleporting back to Epic, who was doing breathing exercises.

* Let's go babe. :)

Epic took my hand and we teleoorted to the hospital and got admitted in. The nurses got an IV in and the OBGYN came to check that everyone was looking fine.

* So, how dilated am I..?

* About 7cm, which is great. Your pain tolerance is high, but if the pain gets unbearable, do tell us so we can get you an epidermal, alright?

* Thank you..

Epic sounded exhausted. The doctor left and I say by 'em, taking out my phone to facetime Slash. He answered almost instantly.

( * Ahhhh ohmahgawd, is the baby here yet?!?!?!?!?!?! )

* Haha, not yet buddy. Epic's 7cm dilated.

( * Can I see Ma? )

I gave the phone to Epic and Slash smiled brightly and waved.

( * I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to meet my sibling and be an older brother...!!!! )

* Haha, thanks my lovely boy.

( * Alright, I gotta go to a society meeting but call me if the baby comes before I finished please! )

* Okay, see you Slashy! :)

He hung up and Epic cringed in pain again.

* Contraction. 😬

* Should I get the doctor?

* Give it half an hour or so...I don't want an epidural...

* Are you sure..?

Epic nodded, taking some deep breaths.

45 minutes...

* Ngh..bruh..

* Okay, I'm getting the doctors-

"No need to worry Dust, we have a device that tells us the dilation rate. Are ya ready Epic?"

* T-To be entirely honest...I'm terrified..

"We'll be guiding you every step of the way, okay?"

Epic nodded, holding my hand as the nurses got a weird thing to put his legs on.


Outer's View:
I finished giving Noir his bath before putting him to bed. Killer found me as I was walking down the hallway and hugged me from behind, instantly kissing me.

* Good evening mi amor~

* Hello to you too Killer...I'm off to bed, you comin'?

* Oh, I'm cumming..~

* Oh hush.

We went to our room and I had my shower and got into some short sleeve pyjamas.

* Oh you look amazing babe.

* Thanks Killer, but could you act a little less horny please? I gotta call Dust and see how Epic is doing..

* Don't worry Starry, Dust said he'd text the group chat and update us, we just gotta be patient.

* Yeah, I guess so...

Killer's View:
I dragged Outer into bed and gave him a kiss. His blushing came about almost instantly and it was absolutely adorable.

* I've barely done anything and you're already flustered~

* K-Killer, we should go to bed so we can visit Dust and Epic t-tomorrow..

* You know what I think? I think they're hiding something from us..C'mon babe just this once please~

* ......fine, but only because you've been pestering me all day!

* Mi amor!!~ ❤️

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