Tea Party Chapter 10

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As the two months passed, Kaya and Bakugo kept having fights, and Mr. Aizawa had enough of it. He brought in backup: Eir got all of the Bakugo Squad to dress up for a tea party. However, Kaya was at work, but when she got back, she saw them all in dresses. When Kaya made eye contact with Bakugo, she saw him in a pink dress and couldn't hold it, starting to laugh.

Bakugo: "Shut up, you D—"

Mina: "Bakugo!!"

Bakugo: "You dummy!"

Eir: "Kaya, can you play tea party with us?"

Kaya: "Eir, I would love to, but I need to get some sleep, okay?"

Denki: "You're just jealous that we look better in this dress."

Kaya: "You are on."

Kaya went to her room and came out in a blue dress.

Kaya: "So, how do I look? Better than the boys and girls?"

Eir: "You look beautiful, Kaya!"

Jiro: "You look nice."

Mina: "What do you think, Bakugo?"

Bakugo: "Shut up, Pink."

Mina: "So, you're saying that Kaya is pretty in that dress?"

Bakugo: "No, I did not say that, you dummy!"

Kaya: "Mina, don't make Katsuki mad."

Bakugo: "What did you call me, you—?"

Jiro: "Bakugo, be nice."

Bakugo was mad at Kaya, but she didn't care. Bakugo stayed up to play with Eir. Mina and Kirishima saw Kaya falling asleep.

Kirishima: "Kaya, are you okay? You look tired."

Kaya: "I am okay, Kirishima, thanks for asking."

Kirishima: "No problem, Kaya."

Despite the ongoing tension between Kaya and Bakugo, the impromptu tea party helped ease some of the hostility, even if only for a little while.

Eri: "You can sit here"

Kaya: "Thank you Princess Eri may I have a cup of tea Lady Bakugo?"

Bakugo: "I Hate you Dummy"

Kaya: "Well Lady Bakugo that is no way no spek to someone"

Mina: "Who Kaya you sawed just like a lady"

Kaya: "Well thank you Lady Mina now may I have a cup of tea Lady Bakugo?"

Jiro: "Bakugo be nice you tow Kaya"

Bakugo" Yes you may Lady Dummy"

Eri: "Dont call Kaya a Dummy Daddy says that is not right to call someone that"

Jiro: "That is right Eri it is all so not nice right Bakugo?"

Bakugo: "Right all of you are enjoying this Aunt you"

Kaya: "Yes I am" 😆

Bakugo: "Here is your tea Lady Kaya" 😡

Kaya: "Thank you Lady Bakugo"

Kaya had a grin on her face and she saw Mina trying not to laugh

Mina: "Hye Eri can the boys do a girl voice, Plese?!"

Kaya: "Do it do it"

Jiro: "Kaya Mina"

Eri: "Please"

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