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Posting this before I start actually writing Enhypen fanfics because I want to see if you'd actually read it before I put the effort in. Let me know if you would be interested in an official oneshot book. 

I based this off a fanfic I read a while ago on AO3. 

Trigger: Panic attacks and lots of fluff (Yes, we love soft Lee Heeseung <3)


Neechan was a panda. Well, she used to be a panda. By now she was missing one of her legs, had spicy teriyaki sauce matted into her fur, half her ear was bitten off, and she was missing an eye. Niki could remember the exact moments all those things happened - Even if most of them happened when he was a toddler. Neechan was there since the beginning.

Of course, she wasn't a real panada. She was a stuffed animal.

Neechan was a world traveler. Originally, she came from China to Japan - where she met Niki. Then she traveled with Niki around the world. To Korea, the USA, everywhere. She was always with him.

She was a dancer. She was a singer. She was an ear and a half to listen to anything Niki had to say. She was a pillow. She was his best friend. Who cares that she was made of fluff and fur, Niki had poured his heart into her unto the point that she had a real heart to give back (at least, that's what Niki liked to believe).

World Tours were so much fun. Niki loved traveling the world and getting to meet every kind of Engene. Aside from dancing and hanging out with his best friends daily, meeting Engenes was his favorite part of the job.

They'd been touring New York City all day. It was late, and Niki was exhausted. But he kept dragging his feet with his group and their managers. He couldn't wait to get home and cuddle up with Neechan and just sleep.

"Hey Riki! Want to take a selfie with me?" Sunoo asked excitedly, pulling out his phone. Niki hadn't even realized they'd made it to Times Square. Was he really just sleep walking or was he just way too tired to care where he was?

"Sure, hyung." Niki nodded, trying to seem excited though it was sapping up the rest of the strength he had to give today.

Niki wrapped his arm over Sunoo's shoulder and smiled up at the camera. Just as the elder was about to snap a picture though, Niki yawned. "Sorry, take it again." The maknae said through the yawn, waving his hand in a circle in a "keep going" gesture.

"Are you tired, aegi?" Sunoo cooed.

"Not really but kind of." The dancer shrugged, covering his mouth as another yawn broke through.

"Aww, sleepy baby." Sunoo smiled, rubbing the youngest's back comfortingly through his coat.

"I'm not a baby." Niki snapped but another yawn made that statement seem less sincere.

"You should go back to the hotel, Riki." Suno suggested, pocketing his phone. "You don't want to get burnt out pushing yourself to stay awake. We still have the concert tomorrow. Go back and sleep, Riki."

"Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

"None of you are tired yet. And I'm not allowed to just go back on my own. I don't want to ruin your fun."

Sunoo cooed again. "Taking care of you is just as much fun as touring New York City. I think Heeseung hyung was saying earlier that he wanted to call it a night soon too. Maybe you two could go back together - he's probably waiting for an excuse."

Niki nodded and turned around, dragging his tired feet to the back of the group where Jungwon and Heeseung were standing with a couple managers.

"Hey Niki!" Jungwon greeted the maknae, smiling brightly for it being so late.

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