Chapter 3 - The Second Coming

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Blue: "Orange?

Orange: "Hmm?"

Blue: "Wake up, it's time to go to sleep. I mean, like, you're already doing that but like, don't sleep on the couch and go to bed."

Orange: "Wha-, what time is it?"

Blue: "Almost 1 am."

Orange was really sleepy.

Orange: "What?"

Blue: "Yeah, others already went to bed, so I wanted to wake you up so you do the same."

Orange: "Oh, okay, thanks."

Blue: "No problem. Goodnight."

Orange: "Goodnight."

Orange watched Blue leaving. He knew that he had a plan for tonight and hoped that he could still meet with Chosen. He didn't mean to sleep for this long. He came to the internet icon. He didn't really know how to open the portal so he tried to make a hole in that and when he was finally successful, he expanded the hole and it actually made the portal.

He was a bit nervous and just stood there for a while but then he finally took a step and went inside. He went through the tunnel and landed in the water on the other side. It took him a while to get out of that water but he was finally there, next to a small building, the one that they were hiding in when Chosen was fighting with that red guy.

Orange stepped into that building. To his surprise, Chosen was there.

Chosen: "Hey."

Orange: "Hi."

Chosen: "I'm glad you came, eventually."

Orange: "Yeah, I needed some time but um.. I came here for answers!"

Chosen: "Of course. Do you want a coffee, tea, or something?"

Orange: "No, thanks."

Orange sat on the couch and Chosen brought a chair to sit across from him.

Orange: "Well, where should I start.. I.. since when do I have powers?"

Chosen: "I would say you have always had them. How come you don't know?"

Orange: "I.. I thought you would know."

Chosen: "Well, when I was created, I knew that I have powers from the very beginning and I instantly knew how to use them. You didn't?"

Orange: "No.."

Chosen: "Oh."

Orange: "Which, also.. how do I use them? Why can't I use them on command? And why, when I actually use them, I don't remember anything?"

Chosen: "You're asking questions that I don't have answers for. I'm just as confused as you are."

Orange didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, he asked another question.

Orange: "What is your connection to Alan?"

Chosen looked at him.

Orange: "It's obvious that you know him. The way you looked at him when you defeated that spider virus, or the fact that Alan helped you in that fight after Yellow told him that you need him, because otherwise he wouldn't accept that.. or just that grey guy, who wanted Alan and he was trying to get the information from you. There is a connection between you and him."

Chosen: "He created me."

Orange was surprised.

Orange: "He did?"

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