Chapter 5 - What are you hiding?

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Orange woke up. His left arm still hurt a bit from that fire ball but it was fine. He sat up and looked around. Unlike the others, Orange didn't share a room with anyone. His room used to be a storage room or something like that. At the beginning, Orange just slept in Adobe animate or literally anywhere else but after some time, the gang decided to actually clean that room and give it to Orange.

So lucky for him, he could do whatever he wanted without anyone knowing. He knew that he promised that he wouldn't use his powers without Chosen watching him but.. he just wanted to try again. He couldn't wait till 4 pm.

He tried to make the electric ball in his hand. He focused and something was starting to show up. It felt good, he enjoyed that. But what he didn't learn was how to make the ball disappear.. he was only shooting it yesterday. He tried to make the ball smaller but it was pretty hard.

Eventually, when the ball was kind of small, he shot it on the wall to get rid of it. It made a small crack on the wall. He hoped that nobody heard that noise.. and nobody did.. well, except for Yellow. He was passing by, so he definitely heard that. Yellow quickly hid in the bathroom. Orange came out of his room, checking if anyone his near, but he didn't see anyone so he closed his room and went to the kitchen.

Yellow came out and looked at Orange's room. He checked if nobody could see him and then he entered the room. Right at that moment when he was stepping in, Green came to the hallway. He quickly noticed Yellow going to Orange's room.. but Yellow didn't notice him. Yes, Yellow was very suspicious and Green really needed to talk to him in private. He went to the kitchen where he was greeted by Orange.

Yellow quickly noticed the damaged wall. It looked similar to the damages in the rocket company. There was no doubt that Orange did that with his powers.. just now. He kind of wanted to actually catch Orange using his powers. He wanted to see it with his own eyes so he needed to find a way how to catch him. He then carefully left the room and went to the kitchen.

Green: "Hello Yellow. How is it going."

Yellow: "Good."

Green kept looking at Yellow who was trying to carefully watch Orange. Green noticed that, obviously, but he didn't say anything.

Green: "Well, Blue and Red are preparing something for us, they didn't tell me what it's gonna be, they said it's surprise."

Yellow: "Ok."

Said Yellow while he was writing something in his notebook.

Green: "So, Orange, you have any plans for today?"

Orange didn't think about how will he visit Chosen when his friends are gonna be here and he couldn't come up with something this quickly. He wanted to say that he do have a plan for 4 pm so they wouldn't look for him or anything but what should he say.

Orange: "Uhh, I guess not really?"

Green: "Great!"

He really needs to come up with some excuse.

Suddenly Blue came to the kitchen.

Blue: "Heyyyyy, we're ready!"

The all went out to see what Blue and Red prepared. The came out to see a fighting ring made from Minecraft blocks and next to that, there was a table with some amazing snacks that Blue and Red prepared.

Blue: "Fighting competition! You're gonna be fighting 1v1 and the winner gets the food!"

Green: "Oh my God, that looks delicious."

Blue: "Thanks! Red helped a lot. Now, I'm not gonna be competing, so it's only you four. I have already made the match schedule for the first two fights. Then after that, it's gonna be fight between those who won and between those who lost. Starting with Yellow vs Green."

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