Chapter 4 - First step

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It was around 11 am. Orange was still asleep. Nothing unusual. When he finally woke up, he still stayed in the bed for a while, thinking about what happened at night. "I named the code The Second Coming, because it's supposed to be the second powerful stick figure coming after me.. you know, my return." He got sick after remembering those words. But he knew that he can't really think about it now. He still needs to act normally.

Orange came out of his room. He was welcomed with an amazing smell of something being cooked. Orange came to a kitchen and met Blue and Yellow. Blue was cooking, obviously, and Yellow was writing something in his notebook.

Blue: "Oh, hey Second, slept well?"

Orange: "Yeah, kinda.. what are you cooking?"

Blue: "Spaghetti. It's almost done."

Orange made himself a coffee and sat to the table.

Orange: "What are you writing Yellow?"

Yellow didn't even look at Orange.

Yellow: "Some algorithm. None of your business."

Orange: "Gee, what a cold answer."

Yellow was still looking on his notebook.

Yellow: "Sorry."

He apologized with a cold voice. Suddenly, Green appeared.

Green: "Hey Orange, just wanted to ask you, we're going to Purple's today, around 3 or 4 pm, you coming?"

This was perfect for him. He needed them away from the computer and this was the opportunity.

Orange: "Um, yeah, I promised Alan that I'll help him today."

Green: "Oh c'mon, I bet he would let you go if you asked."

Orange: "I mean, yeah, he would probably but I- we were planning this for a while now."

Green was suspecting something, this answer wasn't what Orange would normally give him.. normally he would try to ask Alan if he would let him go and wouldn't stop until he said yes.

Green: "Alright."

A few hours have passed and the gang was getting ready to meet Purple and King. The best way for them to get there was through the nether, since it's probably faster and they will be pretty safe since Blue's piglins friends will surely give them a ride. They waved Orange a goodbye. Yellow was looking at Orange like he knew that he wasn't telling the truth this morning, which Green noticed. Then they finally turned and stepped into the portal.

Right after they left, Orange sprinted to the internet icon to make his portal to Chosen. He jumped in. After he got from the water, he noticed Chosen, who was waiting for him.

Chosen: "Glad you came."

Orange smiled at him.

Chosen: "Hope you're ready."

Orange: "I am."

Chosen: "Alright, let's start!"

He didn't really know how to start.

Chosen: "So.. um.. your powers are electric based, which means you use them by focusing and making a big chunk of energy inside your body. Don't be afraid, the electric can't really hurt you.. or, it shouldn't. So you need to work on gathering energy the right way. We can start with fire balls. I make my fire balls almost the same, I gather energy and then I turn it into a heat. So let's just start with making anything in your palm. It doesn't have to be a fire ball, just anything so you can finally feel your powers."

Orange put his hand in front of him and tried to do what Chosen told him. He was focusing on his palm but nothing happened.

Chosen: "Don't worry, take your time. First time is the hardest, but when you figure it out, it will be much easier. You just need to find out how to activate it."

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