Chapter 7

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Uzui Tengen P.O.V.

Somehow I always wake up early, even though I can sleep in. I turn my head to see Tsukiko still sleeping. No surprise there, I've really been tiring her out lately. Almost every night. But at least she sleeps now, instead of creeping around the house at night. I touch the scar on my left eye. It's at the same place as hers. She was lucky she didn't lose an eye back then. I did though. I look at my first wife again. Even though she grew up in the entertainment district, I know she's been raised to be an honorable woman. I know she won't cheat on me, and she won't leave me however I treat her. If only she'd realize how much I love her. I sigh silently and sit up. Again I look at her. If only she'd realize how beautiful she is, she'd be gone already. Silently I get out of bed, slip on my Yukata and leave Tsukiko's room. I already smell tea so I know someone else is awake as well. When I walk into the kitchen, I see Hinatsuru. "You're up early" I say. "As are you" she answers as she looks up. I smile slightly. "Good morning" I say, walking up to her and give her a kiss on her lips. "Good morning" she says, blushing and turns back to the tea. "Did you have trouble sleeping?" Hinatsuru asks. "Not at all" I say, running my hand through my hair. "With Tsukiko sleeping the whole night again, I don't have trouble sleeping at all" I say. "But?" She asks. I sigh. "I don't know. I don't know what to do, to make it all better again" I say softly. Hinatsuru places tea in front of me. "I think she loved you more than you realize, and that's why she's so hurt" Hinatsuru says, as she sits down as well. "Past tense?" I ask amused. "I think it's still there, whether she'd like to admit it or not" she says. "Sorry for bothering you with this, my love" I say. "It's no bother" Hinatsuru says, taking her cup in her hand. "It bothers me more to see you both so hurt" she says. "I don't want to give up on her you know." I say. "You shouldn't, it wouldn't be fair to the effort you both took" Hinatsuru says. I smile slightly. "Yeah" I say softly.

Tsukiko is in the tatami mat room, she's at the open window, at the low table with a book in front of her but she gazes outside. Even though our relationship is strained. She can't keep a secret from me. She never could. "You know what it was that made me fall in love with you?" I ask, stepping into the room. Tsukiko looks at me, but doesn't respond. "It wasn't your pretty face, or your beautiful body" I say, sitting down across from her. "Though they are very very beautiful. It wasn't that" I say. "What was it?" Tsukiko asks, as I put a bottle of warmed sake on the table, and two cups. "Your eyes" I say. Tsukiko looks at me surprised. "The moment your eyes met mine..." I smile. "I was gone. For you it might have been a glance back then, but I knew I needed you" I say. Tsukiko pours sake in one cup. "I never knew" Tsukiko mumbles. "I never told you before. I never needed to" I say. "You're not joining me?" I ask as I take the cup. "Not tonight" she answers with a slight smile. I can hear that her heartbeat is a little faster than usual. I smile slightly as well before taking a sip. I gaze out the window. The sun is setting, and the changes of light make our garden even more beautiful. "Hmm, I do get why you like this room so much" I say softly. "I've always been amazed by this house, this garden, all of the views. It's so peaceful. And quiet. You'd almost forget all of the misery in the world" Tsukiko says. "It's a place I wanted to create, after everything from my family. I wanted to bring you here after the business of the yoshiwara" I say. "But is it that silence, that keeps you up at night?" I ask. "Lately I've been sleeping well" Tsukiko says. I can't help but laugh. "Yes, but I'm sure that has other reasons" I say with a wink. "It's not the silence that keeps me up. It's a.." Tsukiko places her hand on her chest. "An uneasiness in my chest." She says. "That wasn't there before" I say. "It know.. then" Tsukiko says, and looks out the window again. "It can't be... the great beauty of all of Yoshiwara has insecurities?" I ask, grinning. "Shut up" Tsukiko says, bright red.

Amused I look at Makio and Suma's antics as we're having tea in the tatami mat room on the first floor, with the sliding door to the engawa and garden open. The weather is nice, and I enjoy our afternoon teas now that I'm not on active duty anymore. Hinatsuru ignores Makio and Suma as she pours my tea. She usually tries to calm them but sometimes she decides it's best to leave it be. I take my cup, and glance at the sliding door toward the hall. Sometimes I just wish she'd join us. Hinatsuru sends an assuring smile toward me, which I reply. At that moment the door opens slightly. There's an hesitation and then it opens fully. Both Makio and Suma immediately stop their antics, to look. "I hope I'm not interrupting" Tsukiko says uneasily. "Not at all" Hinatsuru says with a smile. Tsukiko hesitates. "Can I join you?" She then asks. "Of course you can, please sit" Hinatsuru says. Tsukiko sits down beside me and Suma pours her a cup of tea. "Thank you" Tsukiko mumbles and Suma just nods with a smile. "I'm glad you're joining us today" I say. Tsukiko looks at me, and I can see that she still feels uneasy. At least she's trying. It doesn't take long before the antics between Makio and Suma to start again. This seem to confuse Tsukiko a bit. "It's best to just leave them be, it'll work out on its own" Hinatsuru says. "Are they always like this?" Tsukiko asks. "Usually" I say amused. "But usually she intervenes" I say, nodding to Hinatsuru. "I just don't feel like it today" Hinatsuru shrugs as she brings her cup to her lips. I lean over to Tsukiko. "Relax" I say softly. "You're still at home. This is a part of your house" I add. Tsukiko looks at me for a bit, and then smiles slightly. I turn my gaze to the garden. "Weather is real nice today" I say. "Mmhm it really is" Makio says. I turn back to my wives, and it seems like all the awkwardness is gone, as all of them are looking at the garden. Buried in their own thoughts probably. I smile slightly as I bring my cup to my lips. I sigh softly after taking a sip. Tsukiko seem to finally relax a little, and warming up to the other. "There's really nothing better than afternoon tea" I mumble

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