Chapter 9

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Uzui Tsukiko P.O.V.

I can feel myself opening up to Hinatsuru. Maybe because Tengen confides in her as well, or because she is closer to me and Tengen in age. I close my eyes as Hinatsuru washes my hair and back. The bath is large, large enough to fit all of us. Almost onsen like, including the view when the window is opened. It's the first time I asked her to join me, and for her help. "All done" Hinatsuru says after she rinsed my back and hair. I turn around on the stool. "I'll wash yours too" I say. Hinatsuru smiles. "Thank you" she says turning her back to me. Normally I would find the silence awkward, but somehow now I don't. After I rinsed her back, I immerse myself in the water, which seems to be at the perfect temperature. Hinatsuru gets in the water as well, but wades over to the window and opens it to gives us the perfect view of our property under the stars. "Maybe because I grew up in the Yoshiwara that I am used to conversation. The only one I was comfortable with in silence was Tengen-kun" I say, to break the silence. "I'm more used to it now" I say. "Coming from shinobi families, silence is no stranger to us" Hinatsuru says sitting down. "You do seem more at ease" she adds. "I am. But I'm not sure if it's because I'm more used to the silence, more used to you all, or because of the baby" I say. Hinatsuru chuckles. "The answer can be all of the above" she says. I smile. "Yes perhaps" I say. For a moment it's silent again as we both watch the stars. "Even though Tengen-sama wanted this retirement as Hashira, it often seems like he really misses it" Hinatsuru says. I sigh. "He does. And I understand. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm able to do nothing. Nothing at all" I say. "It's the first time for him to have no such obligation. Being trained as Shinobi and as demon slayer and Hashira after that, Tengen-sama has always had missions. So I do understand and I do sympathize" Hinatsuru says. "But with you carrying his child, I'm sure he's reminded of why he's doing it all" she adds. "Yes and at least they don't keep him in the dark and send him updates and perhaps in the future he can help" I say and Hinatsuru nods in agreement.

I can't sleep. My body is changing, I can feel it and it should. But it also make sure that I can't really sleep. Silently I walk over to Tengen's room, hoping for some relief. But as I silently slide open his bedroom door, I hear the soft moans of him and Hinatsuru coming from his futon. I close the door silently, but quickly walk away as I feel the nausea coming up from my stomach. I turn the corner and bump into someone, making me take a couple of steps back. "You alright?" I look up to see Makio in front of me. "I got nauseous, what are you doing up?" I ask. "I needed to pee" she says. Makio then sighs. "Come on, let's make you some tea for your nausea" she says. "No need, get back to bed. I'm going to drink some water and back to bed myself" I say. "I'm no fool, Tsukiko-sama. You don't get back to sleep easily. Let's just go, I'm awake now anyway" Makio says and turns around and walks to the stairs. I sigh and follow her. In the kitchen I sit down at the table while Makio puts on water. I lean my chin on my hand as I watch her prepare different tea leaves in two cups. "You don't have to do this" I say. "I know" Makio says. She pours the hot water in both of them, turns around and places one in front of me and keeps the other. "I don't mind doing stuff like this. Hina might have put in more effort, but she's not the only one that cares for you. That looks up to you. I thought you'd realize that back at Ogimoto house" Makio says. "Yes, I just don't understand it" I say. "You don't have to" Makio says. "Besides, you're pregnant now. You might resist our help for now but even you know, you won't be able to for long" Makio says. I can't help but laugh. "Yeah perhaps" I say softly, suddenly feeling very insecure about my changing body and quickly take a sip of my tea before Makio sees it. I sigh and take a sip of the tea that Makio made for me. I look up at the ceiling. Surely they'd be finished by now..right? "I'm tired. I'm heading back to bed soon" I mumble.

I  open my eyes when I feel Tengen's hand on my forehead, though it's cold. "You're starting to get me worried here, Tsukiko." He says. "Hmm, about what?" I ask, closing my eyes. "You've been puking a lot, barely keeping your food in. And your fever spikes every now and then" Tengen adds. "You still hear it don't you?" I ask. It's silent for a bit. "Yeah. It's steady and strong" Tengen says, I can hear him smiling. "It's just my body working to get him to grow strong and healthy" I say. "I'm going to let Shinobu come in the morning" Tengen says. "There's no need" I say. "Hmm you might feel that way. But she might have something to ease it a bit" Tengen says. "Didn't Hinatsuru try it all?" I ask. "Hina doesn't have the knowledge that the butterfly mansion has" Tengen says. I don't respond and open my eyes. "Would you like to try and eat something?" Tengen asks. "Perhaps I should" I sigh. Tengen helps me sit up. "Easy..." Tengen says as I feel I'm about to puke again. But nothing happens. "I think I should have something light..." I say. Tengen stands up and walks to the door. If I want to I can hear their soft conversation but at this moment it's too much effort. Tengen sits back down beside me. I lean against my husband and I can feel him press a kiss against my head. "I'm proud of you" he whispers. "I'm not doing anything" I say. "You're carrying my child. You're doing your best. I am proud of you, and I love you" Tengen says. "I just hope it's all worth it" I say softly. "It is. You'll see" Tengen says. The door opens after a soft knock. Suma walks in with a tray. "It's good you're ready to try some food, Tsukiko-sama" she says, putting the tray over my lap. "We've made some light broth, and a rice porridge if you feel up to it" Suma says, and bows slightly. "Thank you" I say. I hesitate because the smell makes me both hungry and nauseous at the same time. "Just take it easy" Tengen says. I nod and start with the broth. Suma smiles brightly at the sight of me eating. "Let us know if you feel up for something else" she says, and bows as she leaves us.

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