The Diary pf Single Mom(The light at the tunnel)

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Dear Diary,

Hi its Kate, I just put my kids to bed .I am trying to sleep but I can't, I can't stop thinking about what happened today and what I was going to do if it wasn't for this young beautiful, person to stop help me.....
Looking from the window with thousands thoughts coming up , thousands worries as I couldnt get the job today because of my car problem, this means I am broke until the end of the month, huge question mark was poisoning my peace now my mortgage is coming next month as many other bills with Chenies classes and violin with maths and English and my pets as well, other Dear Diary what am I supposed to do .How ever the image of this man come in to my mind and I was quickly distracted , I gave him my nomber when he fixed my car as he needed it when he went to the repair shop just to let me know what is happening.....
Sometimes i wonder ,why did this person impressed me so much is is it because of my need for attention and lack of SEX ,or is just .(Yeah lack of SEX) .Its really difficult to be lone miss talking to someone I miss hugs and kisses I miss it all, am I cursed ?Probably! I Late night and I still cant sleep, all I thing is about SEX.CAN I Touch myself ,can I my hand slowly goes down ,I can feel my fingers tickling, I feel I dream, I want lips I want touch ,I wand deep in side me, i want I want that breath taking feeling, OHH dear diary I will give everything to have that..... I grabbed my VI, slowly played with it and slowly inserted in me o gosh is soo good not like real man but it does the job MMMM WOW. I am leaving you dear diary .

Love Kate

Dear Diary,

Morning babes let me tell you what happened I was just making breakfast and someone called me today it was this beautiful man .My phone rang and man's voice told me ;
-Hi .
I was like :
-Good Morning, excuse me who is this?
And he said:
-Mmm Keiran.
I said.
He said.
Yes the guy who helped you for you car .Instantly my heart started speeding so fast my head started sweeting.My amusement was so obvious that Paola told me mom are you OK? Immediately after hearing her voice I felt cold splash on my face, and I said,, yes baby I am OK,, The I said to him hi Mr Keiran how can I help you , he started laughing well  I am Colling too see if we can go for that icekream you promised me.

I was shocked (WTF ice cream), though come in my mind and I said to him well I don't remember brighten me please Mr Keiran, he was laughing again , Call me Keiran only please. OK I said but , I just want to tell you something before the ice cream happens.Ok he told

And I said first I have 2 kids ,2dogs and 4 cats, I have mortgage and I am unemployed I cannot afford paying most of  the bills each month so I am behind and I have allergy to peanuts.Often i shout to my kids when they are not listening and I prefer animals more than humans.
Is that is?He said .

I said yes.

He said that will work for me!he said that will strange lafable tone but serious in same time.

And I hang up ....

Yes dear diary

Being single mom it mean I am obligated to my kids and my life I can't just let someone in their life or mine like that just because of tier is just ridiculous Right mmm?

I will leave dear diary speak to you soon.
Love Kate.

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