Diary of Single Mom life ( in the loop)

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Dear Diary ,

I couldn't sleep, I am completely confused and asking myself what have I done, first I am broke I don't know how will go tough this month with all the bills, second I am unemployed which is ridiculous then I had Sex with my Ex and now this guy obviously wants something from me .

Gilt is eating me from inside because I shouldn't being having sex with my ex, i worry about how will I pay my mortgage and ofcourse my kids what will they think  if  find out about that. OMG I am Mess and I am getting shattered....

The sun just wormed my face, the breeze from my open window smells fresh from the flowers in my garden, good way to start the day! Duyng for coffe and have to take my kids, after all thAT HAPPENED I decided not to think any more not to BOTHER myself with stuff like WHY I DID THAT OR WHY THIS HAPPENED,and concentrate on finding new job so i can take care of my kids and my bills then take it from there. After I took my kids already I sat on the parking near the grocery shop close to the school and just started passing through the jobs on the newspaper .My phone started ringing,but because I am scared that it might be the bank or health insurance bill which i couldn't pay and the possibility of it to do it this month was slum to none , thats why just didn't pick up. Job for representative as house keeping come on my attention but it only takes inquiries by phone so I decided to call as I am desperate for money, elderly person pick up at first I thought mmmm am I calling the right place or some elderly people Nursing home or something but Fuck it i will take any job now ( As normal) and I started talking and booked an interview with this strange person on the phone so I will be going for a (Hopefully successful, no accident)Job interview. 
DEAR DIARY after that  on my way home my phone had a message i had a glance at my phone and this time it was my ex Zim .Straight away heat like feeling went through my bodie and the idea of him or him upfront me makes me anxious, the truth is I still hold place for him in my heart but I don't love him , it's like  yes I had Sex but no feelings,yes he is pretty but I honestly don't feel nothing else .Finally got home and Called him.
Zim was really persuasive he thought we can get back after all we had before and after this day he said he couldn't stop thinking about it and I cut him off.....
I may be BiTCHI but I don't think it will be healthy relationship , in our pass we had jelousy he jeloused even frim his brother if he speaks to me , so I kindly said let's keep the things as they are let's give none pressure to the kids.He was at first unhappy but then he understood. Staying Friends? He said yes.

Speak  to you soon love

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