Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi, this is a remake of an old story that I wrote before, but I decided to change things up :) Hope you enjoy!!

P.S. Just a heads up, I will be using most of what I wrote, but again, it's going to be a little different.

Lottie's POV

"Are you two sure you'll be okay?" Mom asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

I chuckled, shaking my head at my mother's worry while Bella reassured her. "Yes, Mom, we will be fine. Now go enjoy your time with Phil."

"You're going to need it," I said before I hugged her.

Phil was shutting the trunk and walking to the driver's seat. "Come on! I love you all, but we got to go."

We got into the car and we were off. Phil was driving us to the airport while Mom sat in the passenger seat. Bella and I were sitting in the back, looking at the scenery.

I sighed because I was going to miss being in Phoenix, but I was excited to go to Forks. At least I'll be able to spend more time with Dad, who Bella still calls Charlie. She's not as close to him as I was. I hope that will soon change.


Once we arrived at the airport, Bella and I checked in and as we were waiting in our seats, Mom and Phil decided to give us one last hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You girls don't have to do this, you know," Mom said, looking worried.

"We want to go, Mom," I gave her a reassuring smile.

"It would be nice to spend some time with Dad," Bella piped in.

The flight attendant announced that our plane was ready for boarding. Bella and I got our luggage and stood at the entrance as Mom gave us another hug.

Man, she's really going to miss us.

"Tell Charlie I said hi," Mom said and I could tell that she still loved him in a way. But she needed to move on, and I was happy that she got Phil now. He's a good man for her and I appreciate him for that.

"We will," Bella replied.

"Love you, Mom." Yeah, being twins, Bella and I do say some things at the same time. Funny, isn't it?

We waved back at her and Phil as we boarded our plane, giving the flight attendant our tickets and she told us where our seats were. I let Bella have the window seat since I was going to try and take a little nap and I didn't need any more light than I need to.

"Wake me up when we get there, Is," I tell her yawning a little.

"Sure thing, Lottie," She replied with a smile. I get comfortable in my seat, well -- as comfortable as you can be -- and slowly, I fall asleep...

Four hours later

"Lottie...Lottie, wake up!"

I opened my eyes slowly and saw that people were disembarking the plane.

"Oh, we're here?" I asked. Bella nodded.

I looked out the window and saw the gloomy weather. Yep, that's Forks, all right.

We got off the plane and made our way to the airport. After getting through the traffic of people coming and going, we finally made it through the door where we saw Dad waiting with his cruiser.

I smiled weakly because while I loved my dad, I did not want to be seen riding around in a police car.

After we hugged, Dad put our luggage in his trunk and began to drive us home.

Protector of the Land (A Lottie Swan Story)Where stories live. Discover now