Chapter 3

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Lottie's POV

The next few days get a little boring, with talking to Jasper being the one thing I look forward to each day. I knew Bella had been looking for Edward to figure out what his problem was with her, but he hadn't shown up for the past week.

I know she said she was relieved, but I think she was also feeling a bit sad due to her slight crush on him.

I asked Jasper about it one time during class. "Hey, so what's with your brother?"

"Which one?" "Edward."

He tensed for a moment, then relaxed. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Our first day here and he seemed to have a problem with Bella. Should I be worried?" I look at him anxiously because I don't want either Bella or I to have problems with anything.

Somehow, he could sense that. "No, you shouldn't. Edward is currently going through some things right now and is taking time off to get better," He assured me.

Relief spread through me. "Well, that's good. Bella has been worried if she did something wrong and I don't like seeing her worried," I tell him. He nods.

"I understand. I don't like seeing Alice worried either and I try to do whatever I can to make her happy," He informs me but not without a loving smile as he thinks about his girlfriend.

Those two are so cute together!

I put my hand on top of his. "I'm happy that you two have found happiness together. It's very rare seeing it in other people, but with you seems like you have forever to be happy," I say.

For some reason, he frowned a little. "Yeah...forever..."

"What's wrong?" I asked, feeling worried at his sudden change in mood.

He shook his head. "Nothing. We should get back to the lesson." He focused his attention on Mr. Banner and I felt confused, but left him to it as I didn't want to be nosy and invade his privacy.

Once school was over, I walked over to my car and Bella was getting into her truck. She was going over to the Thriftway to buy groceries for dinner tonight. I let her do it since it was something she was familiar with and with being in a town like Forks, she needed something familiar.

As we were waiting in line, I saw Jasper and the rest of his family getting into their car, a shiny Volvo. They heard the loud rumble of my sister's truck and looked over at her, just like everyone else, before they glanced at me.

Jasper smiled and waved at me which I returned, though I was surprised to see Alice waving at me as well. I never really had a chance to talk to the others since Emmet and Rosalie were seniors, and I didn't have any classes with Alice. Nonetheless, I waved back at her before I was finally able to leave the school parking lot.

When I came home, I went to my desk and turned on the computer, but with the slow wifi, it took its time before it fully came on. I saw that I had a few messages from Mom.

Lottie, please write me as soon as you and Bella are in. Tell me how your flight was.

Is it raining? I miss you girls already.


I sighed and went to the next one. I completely forgot to message Mom back, though I think Bella might've gotten back to her. Oops.

Why haven't you emailed me yet? What are you waiting for?


Mom is always the worrier. Guess that's where Bella gets it from. I began to draft a new email.

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