Chapter 2

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Lottie's POV

A loud beep woke me up from my slumber and I groaned, shifting around to turn it off. I saw that it said 7 a.m. right before I closed my eyes again.

Then, I remembered that I had to go to school today. Yay...

I yawned and stretched before I got out of bed. I walked over to the window to see that it was grey and opaque outside with the rain sprinkling.

Just your typical day in Forks.

I stepped away from the window and went to the bathroom so that I wouldn't have to wait for Bella and Dad.

I brushed my teeth and tried to fix the mess that I call my hair. I put it in a side braid since I didn't want to work too much on it. I applied some lip gloss and mascara as I'm not much of a makeup person.

Seriously, how do girls even do this?!

A loud knock rapped on the door, scaring me out of my wits.

"Are you almost done, Lottie?" Lo and behold, it was my dear twin sister. She can be so impatient sometimes.

I rolled my eyes before opening the door, seeing her haystack of hair and a grumpy look on her face.

"Good morning to you, too, Bella," I say sweetly. She scowled before shutting the door. I chuckled.

Out of the two of us, Bella is not much of a morning person. I mean, she is older than me.

By like, 3 minutes.

I got dressed in some blue jeans, and a white tank top with a black sweater to keep me warm. I decided to wear my glasses to school.

Technically, they're reading glasses, which Bella has teased me about saying she has better vision. What can you do?

Plus, I quite enjoyed wearing them. I did get teased here and there for looking like a nerd, but I don't care.

After making sure everything was ready, I walked downstairs to find Dad and Bella already eating breakfast. They were sitting there awkwardly, which doesn't surprise me because they are the most awkward people I have ever met in my life.

It was quite peaceful and it wasn't too long before Dad got up to leave. He wished us a good first day at school like seriously, how long has it been since he attended high school?

"So, you want to go in separate cars or...?" Bella asked.

"Let's just take the truck for today and then drive our cars after today," I suggested and she nodded.

We grabbed our backpacks and walked out the door to Bella's truck. We made sure to lock the door beforehand since we wouldn't want to risk anyone breaking in like that. As if that would happen in a small town like Forks.

Driving through the drizzling rain, we saw a sign that read 'Forks High School' and drove to the entrance.

We found an empty parking space and pulled in. After making sure our backpacks wouldn't get too wet by the rain, we started walking down a little stone path that was lined with dark hedges and saw a sign that said 'Front Office.' Bella and I looked at each other for a moment before she opened the door.

Inside, it was brightly lit, and warmer, which was a good change, to be honest. Believe me, I love the coolness of Forks, but sometimes, I need my heat, too. I used the sleeve of my sweater to wipe my glasses clean because if you're someone who wears glasses, you know the struggle.

The office was small. Right before us was a little waiting area with padded folding chairs, an orange-flecked commercial carpet, notices, and awards cluttering the walls, and a big clock ticking loudly.

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