Chapter 6

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Lottie's POV

The procedure ended up being a success, yet Dr. Cullen felt it was best that I stay in the hospital for the next 30 days just to make sure there weren't any complications.

While I was disappointed about missing school, and not being able to see Jasper as much, I knew that this was the best thing for me if I wanted to get better, and I did.

Bella visited me whenever she could and she would bring homework that the teachers had provided so that I wouldn't be held back. Dr. Cullen made sure to advise me to not overwork my head too much as it was still recovering from the surgery.

At the end of the month, Dr. Cullen checked over the results once more before he deemed me ready to go back home, and prescribed me some corticosteroids to reduce inflammation in the brain.

My dad shook his hand, looking grateful. "Thank you, Doc. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been here to take care of my daughter."

Dr. Cullen shook his head with a smile. "It's no problem, Chief Swan. My only goal is to help people and I will always do my best to help them, including your daughter."

He then turned to me and warned me with caution. "I must warn you that there are some possible side effects from the subdural hematoma that I think you should watch out for. You might get some severe headaches, nausea, and seizures. If you have any problems, please come back at any time."

I nodded taking in all of the information. "Thank you, Dr. Cullen," I tell him gratefully. I'd had a bandage wrapped around my head after the surgery and they finally took it off, warning me to be careful for a while.

I was able to see a thin, long scar at the base of my scalp near my forehead and I knew that it wasn't going away. Nevertheless, I wore it proudly because I was a survivor and things could have gone a whole other direction.

Dad and I went to the front entrance where he signed me out, the receptionist wishing me a safe recovery. I thanked her before the brightness of the day filled my vision as soon as I stepped out of the doors.

Dad led me over to his cruiser, following me behind cautiously, making sure I wasn't going to fall or anything.

I turned to him. "Dad, I'm fine," I tell him.

"I know, but there's nothing wrong with being concerned, is there?" He asks as he opens the door for me.

"No, I guess not," I say getting into the car. He shuts the door and moves over to the driver's side.

Even though he was the Police chief, he was driving the regular speed limit, maybe even slower. I gave Dad a look which he ignored, staring straight ahead.

Overprotective, isn't he?

Soon enough, we were home and I saw Bella's truck, figuring that school had just let out.

I get out of the car and make my way inside, with Dad right behind me. I open the door and am greeted by a hug.

"Oh, Lottie! I'm so glad you're home," Bella exclaimed, looking relieved.

"It's good to be back," I say while Dad puts the medicine away in the spare cabinet. "So, how has school been?"

Bella seemed hesitant to say something, not wanting to stress me out considering I just left the hospital, but then she thought better for it. "Edward...has been confusing."

I scrunch my eyebrows. "How so?"

"Well, I kept trying to talk to him so that I could ask how he managed to save us so fast, but he pretty much ignored me for a whole month. Only today, when we went on a field trip did he finally talk to me," Bella rambled.

Protector of the Land (A Lottie Swan Story)Where stories live. Discover now