Chapter 7

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Lottie's POV

We walked into the restaurant of La Bella Italia.

How ironic

The place wasn't crowded -- it was the off-season in Port Angeles. The host led us to a booth where we could have some privacy. There was no mistake in how she felt about Edward and the way she looked at him. I bet Bella is loving that.

"How's this?" She asked him, and I mean only him because she couldn't seem to take her eyes off him. Bella and I were too normal-looking to be with someone like Edward.

"Perfect," He flashed his gleaming smile, which seemed to daze her momentarily. She stumbled away after letting us know our server will be here shortly.

Bella made some light conversation with Edward while I perused the menu, my stomach grumbling and mouth salivating because boy was I hungry after what just happened.

The waitress appeared and asked Edward if he was ready to order, which he turned to us.

"Um, I'll have the mushroom ravioli," Bella requested.

"And I'll have the Philly Cheese Steak with some french fries," I tell her after looking through the menu.

"Any drinks?" The waitress looked at Edward expectantly.

"Bella? Lottie?" He asked us. Bella and I looked at each other before deciding on Coke.

"Make that four Cokes, please," He tells the waitress who nods and walks away looking a little disappointed.

Not before long, the waitress came over and placed our food on the table and I noticed that Edward didn't order anything.

"You're not eating?" I asked him before digging into my food.

He shakes his head. "No, I'm on a special diet." Weird

"You've gotta give us some answers," Bella inquires staring at him avidly.

He contemplated before he answered, "Yes, no. To get to the other side, and 1.7724--"

"We don't want to know the square root of pi," I tell him frowning realizing he was messing with us.

"You knew that?" He seemed surprised which was kind of offensive.

"How did you know where we were?" Bella asked him again.

"I didn't." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my jacket while Bella was getting out of her seat.

Edward grabbed onto her arm. "Don't leave." He looked torn as if he was fighting some internal dilemma.

We sit back down and wait for his answer, though I notice Bella hasn't touched an ounce of her food while I'm just digging through my plate.

"Were you following m-us?" I didn't miss how Bella's eyes glanced at me and I should feel sad, but I knew how much she liked him, so it didn't matter to me.

"I feel...very protective of you," Edward stared at her intensely, and suddenly, I was beginning to feel like the third wheel. I tried to distract myself with the food, feeling awkward.

"So you followed us?" Bella asked. I look at him, wondering the same thing.

"I was trying to keep my distance unless you needed my help. And then," Edward looked angry again. "I heard what those lowlifes were thinking..."

" said you heard what they were thinking," Bella said slowly trying to understand while I was taking in everything he said and trying to understand this myself. No one can read minds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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