Chapter 4

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Lottie's POV

At school, it started snowing. I laughed a little watching the snowflakes fluttering down to the ground. I saw Bella running off while everyone was having their little snowball fights.

I saw Jasper walking in with his family and figured that I couldn't miss this opportunity.

I grabbed some of the snow together while not keeping my eyes off him. When I had made a good enough snowball, I waited until he wasn't looking and threw it at his hair.

I turn around as soon as it hits him, keeping myself together, my body shaking with laughter. I then felt something hit me on my back.

I stopped laughing and turned around to see who the culprit was. Jasper didn't even bother trying to hide it as he was smirking a little. His family was just standing there, a little surprised by what was happening, though I noticed that Alice was smiling a bit.

"Oh, you're so on!" I yelled and we started playing around with the snow, getting each other covered until it all melted into our hair.

We were both laughing and I was having so much fun until I heard the bell ring.

"That was a nice game, Ms. Swan," Jasper said once he came up to me with a huge grin.

"So it was Mr. Hale," I panted, still laughing. We shook hands while his family was walking off to class.

"Well, I guess we should head off to class now," Jasper says though he looked like he didn't want this to end.

"Yeah, but hey, at least we have History together," I tell him and he nods with a slight smile.

"Yes, we do. See you then, Lottie."

"See you, Jasper!" We go our separate ways to our classes. I overheard Mike Newton telling Bella animatedly how they were planning on having a huge snowball fight in the parking lot and asked if I wanted to join.

I told him yes, but then, like everyone else, I groaned when it started raining, washing away all traces of the snow. I know Bella was feeling secretly pleased about this and it showed as she brought her hood up and went to the cafeteria. I followed and we were in line with Jessica and Mike getting our food when Bella stopped abruptly.

"Bella, are you okay?" I asked.

I followed her line of sight to where the Cullens were sitting and I realized why she stopped. Edward Cullen was back. Yay...

Bella just gets herself a soda, telling Jess and Mike that she is feeling a little sick. Mike, being the golden retriever that he is, stayed by her side with a worried look on his face.

Bella needs to do something about this, especially if she has feelings for Edward like I know she does.

"Hey, Lottie, I think one of the Cullens is looking at you," Eric informs me. I scrunch my eyebrows confused before I turn in my seat.

Alice was waving at me excitedly and gestured to her table.

"Is she asking you to join them?" Jessica asked in shock.

"I guess so," I shrugged my shoulders, feeling a bit confused myself. Nonetheless, I grabbed my tray and walked over to their table.

Not going to lie, my stomach was going in knots with each step I took, feeling like I was entering certain death.

I stopped short at their table, feeling suddenly nervous.

"Hi, I'm Alice!" Alice beamed and somehow, I felt calmer. Relieved, even. I smiled back at her.

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