chapter 1- Stranger Danger, Even More Danger When the Stranger is a Pirate

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you take a deep breath.

you finally made it out.

you may have had a little help from a less than ideal source. but you did it nonetheless, you, you made it out of that hell hole that was your "home" you made it out alone, but at least you're safe.

A quick sip of a potion has you losing your red horns and tail, donning a more human-esc appearance, you don't need to be gaining any unwanted attention. the feeling is nauseating, it's not you. not really, but at least you're safe. you're safe.

you slip into a crowd, clutching your black cloak tightly, looking for anywhere to go, until a brown haired guy bumps into you, a navy officer hot on his heels. throwing out a sneaky foot, you trip the large man sending him tumbling down

the man looks back at you, then books it away.

now, many people have called you stupid in your life, hell, more than they have called you your own name, but nonetheless, you want to follow this guy,

it may just be the chaotic energy around him, or the way he runs with a purpose, but with a quick cast of invisibility, you're off.

your brown boots clack on the cobblestone roads in time with the brown haired guy. you may not be the stealthiest guy around but you still know how to be quiet,
many nights sneaking out, and many more being caught will teach you a thing or two about staying quiet.

the man you're tailing occasionally glances up at the rooftops, either he has some buddies coming after him, or he thinks the navy will jump down on him from the rooftops, which, considering how stupid the navy is, isn't that unlikely

The man continues running, until he reaches the docks, great. you've committed yourself to following a pirate, you've heard so many stories about his kind, they steal and plunder, killing anyone against them.


a redhead girl and a literal fish meet up with him. oh great, ohhhh shit, there's no going back now, this may be your one chance to get out of Zero, to start anew. taking a deep breath, clutching your bag tightly, you step onto the small boat with the strangers.

you don't know how they will react to finding you, no doubt that they will, hell they could even throw you overboard. but despite it all, it's better than that hellhole you were in.

The fish guy casts a spell, making a propeller with the ocean water the boat is settled in. the Navy guy you tripped starts fighting the other navy men?? whatever, not your problem.
they set the barrel they have with them down, you breathe quietly as they speak amongst themselves.

"it's just that easy!"

the fish man glances back at the barrel

"so why did we do th-" he stops, sniffing

oh gods. ooohhh gods, please say hes not a paladin or cleric oh fuck oh curse the gods he is, isn't he?

"uh you good there Gill?"

oh great that's awesome, at least now you know who to beg for mercy when he finds you.

Gill sniffs you out like shit on the bottoms of his very bare feet.

fucking hell, youre so fucked ohhhhh gods. might as well jump overboard now, they're going to send you right back to your house, you never should have tried escaping again

Gill comes right up to you, sniffing the ground like some kind of dog, you decide to cut your losses, dismissing the invisibility on you and raising your hands in surrender

——-CHATPER 1 BROUGHT TO YOU BY FOX and grassy grass grassman <3——

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