Chap 5: OLD MEN!!

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you continue crawling through the forest, watching out for any of the horrible sounds of the beast. The others start yapping about wolfs or something but a twig snaps suddenly in the distance

"Um not to interrupt your lucrative conversation but did anyone else hear that?"

"shut up loser we're doing important stuff dumbass" Chip says to you

'fucking alright,'

"then don't blame me when you fucking die Chil.. Who names their child chip? You tell me to shut up! We may be being stalked by monsters of the forest and you tell me to shut up and your name is Chip!" You panic

"it's not that deep, oh my gods it was a twig snapping, we are in a forest twigs snap all the time"

"Will you all shut up already" a small halfling steps out towards us and you shriek and jump backwards into Chip's arms

"What is that horrid creature!" you point at the old man

"Hello little boy" gillion steps towards it and smiles

"Gill!! stay back it'll give you rabies!"

Jay shoots an arrow between the old man's legs and he laughs "you tried to kill me!" he chuckles "fuck, why cant i stop, this isnt funny at all"

"Is this a land joke?" gillion turns to jay with his head cocked

"No it isnt, he scared the fuck out of me" jay responds

Chip charges at the old man thing with a sword

"YEAH! gett'em Chip!!" you say, clapping for him

"Chip no!" the others yell out

"what- what- what?! Im gonna get him" he smiles wide

"You're going to hurt somebody someday, sonny." the man laughs

Chip tilts his head " Who's this guy?"

"What is happening?" jay questions

"No clue..." you slowly hide behind jay as the man continues to laugh eerily

"What are you youngins doing out here in the forest?" the old man says

"Um.. were on a mission, our crew is waiting for us at the shore we came to look for some kind of artifact" chip lies to the old man and gillion starts leaking a puddle of water around him

"Well tell them to turn around, because there is no artifact here and there is absolutely nothing funny"

"Then why are you laughing?? seems kinda..... sus....." you question from behind Jay, peeking your head over her shoulders

"It sounds like you're starting to cry.." she says

"I'm just tired of it, that's all." the old man chuckles

"Right..." Chip says

"Well I don't see how this little boy can hurt us, he's small and frail, i could easily best him in combat."

you nod at that, "you sure could gillion"

"Why are you laughing so much," Jay chuckles, "what's so funny?"

"Nothings funny, give me a joke and maybe ill have a reason to laugh" the man continuous laughing through his sentences sending shivers up your spine

'Something is wrong here, keep your eyes sharp'

"I don't think we need to give you one" chip crosses his arms

"I only know fish jokes. I don't think there going to land"

You start giggling at that "ha ha! That's quite funny gillion"

"What part of my sentence was humorous to you friend?"

"I- never mind"

---------------another chapter comes to an end love grass----------------------\

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