Chapter 2- Explosive Exit

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"ok- I know how this looks just hear me out"

"you. you're the guy who tripped Marshal John." the guy you were following says, staring at you, his eyes full of distrust

the red haired girl just stares, you can appreciate her clothing, belts. you approve, don't think she approves of you though

the fish man who you found out was "Gill" claps you on the back, almost sending you tumbling to the ground, he should be more mindful of his strength

"Chip! you didn't tell me we were getting another crew member! and one of the infernal varieties too.. I must say you have strange taste in companions." 

guess you know who you were following now. at least you know that this Chip seems to be in charge, if you can gain his trust, you should be good. The ginger girl is a wild card though, so you should be careful around her. also the fish, he is able to sniff you out, that's not good one bit

"no, Gillion, this is just some random stowaway, or...a navy spy,"

he turns his attention to you, just some human standing there with their arms up

"State your business. uh. Person!"

you're not a threat, you're not a threat, control yourself, tell them what they want to hear.

"please, i'm trying to get away from Zero, please at least take me with you, you can drop me off on the next sight of land. just please don't take me back there."

you lay out your intentions bare, you will start begging these strangers on your hands and knees if you have to. no matter how much that idea disgusts you.

to your surprise, it's the redhead who advocates for you

"oh come on, look at them, they're all mangey, they wouldn't be able to hurt us if they tried"

'Mangey? I beg your bloody pardon?!' your internal dialogue screams at you, but you pack it tight into a small small box and set it aside, you need to stay with them, you need to get out.

"Well we can't just pick up every stray we come across Jay, last time we did that we got stuck with an honorable prick!"

Chip points over to Gillion. who is playing with some kind of sea lemur, you haven't read much on animals like that,

"oh please, just let's take them until the next sight of land, how much harm can they really do?"

ok no, you need to play nice with them if you want a chance to leave Zero, don't correct them, play nice.

"fine. but it will be your fault if they start doing Navy shit." Chip finally resignes Jay just rolls her eyes, turning to you

"ok. I'm Jay, that asshole over there is Chip," she points over to him, who is going to talk with Gillion, he opens the barrel he dragged along with them.
"and the fish is-"

"ah yes! You are the new crewmate, hello! I am Gillion Tidestrider, champion of the undersea, hero of the dee-"

"right hello..." you give them your name and turn, looking at Gillion playing with the lemurs, they start doing some weird dance thing and-

oh. its sea lemurs.

oh... oh...Dancing sea lemurs...

they shouldn't be on the boat, if there's one thing you know is that wooden boats are flammable, and by no means should lemurs be by it,

...but you don't want to overstep, they just let you onto the boat, but you could also gain their favor by helping them...

"uh.. you should really keep the lemurs away from the boat... they use fi-"

to late

the lemurs have surrounded the little boat, and start to use their fire, lighting up their tails they throw fireballs at the wooden craft, one ball hits the barrel, it's a good thing there's not anything stupid in it like gunpow-

a large explosion rings out, splintering the fragile planks of the boat easily, you land in the water,

you flail against the frigid water, its sloshing all around you, the salty liquid getting in your mouth. the coldness of the ocean causes your muscles to spasm,

you can't swim.

the tight press of air under water presses on your lungs, they feel like they are about to burst.

You remember playing in the bath with cups as a child, when you were still young and innocent, trying to keep the air steady as you pressed down on it




But it always popped back up in the end right?

Unless they were upside down

Are you upside down?

You float up into the watery sky as your head gets light

'at least i got a few moments free from them'

—--END CHAPTER FUCK YOU—- {bros just fucking dead now to spite you} [good.]

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