CHAP 4 - bugs.... *side eye*

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As you walk a cacophony of strange sounds follow you throughout the woods

"What are these sounds?" gillion turns in a circle looking around "w-what are thes sounds?.. What siren song is this?"

"Its the creatures of the woods," chip smirks "the most terrifying creatures of the woods"

Gillion tilts hit head "why does it sound-" he backs away

"No nono gill stop moving gill if you move they will get you"

'Oh good lord,' you start to panic, "r-really?" Chip gets a glint in his eyes at that, smirk getting just a touch bigger

"yes really. now stay still, they detect movement."

"No, no, they only detect movement from standing creatures; you need to get down on all fours" Jay says

"... in- in the dirt?"

"yes in the dirt! Do you want them to get you??" Chip says,

oh gods... well your clothes are already ruined from the ocean.. a little mud won't hurt if it keeps you safe from the evil creatures...

"You too Gill! you know what you smell like? Salt," Gillion gets a horrified look on his face "and you want to know what they eat?..... salt."

"Well I'm not salty so I should be fine right?"

"Your personality is salty" Chip states

"Wait, that counts?"

"Of course it count they're monsters." Jay says

"Oh gods!" you pale at that, who knew that monsters knew what your personality is like, you haven't been out often, these must be really dangerous monsters if a pirate is warning you about it.

"do not fret, i shall go onward and slay the horrid creatures"

Gillion goes crawling into the forest, you stick with Jay getting as low to the ground as you can and following the others through the forest

"The beast of the wood.." gill lifts up his sword suddenly "you shall not best me!" he swings at supposedly nothing

"He's really gullible" jay whispers

"You Are correct but I don't see what that has to do with anything?"
"i- .... never mind" she continuous crawling through the forest

"The forest is safe now!"  gillion shouts and jumps up with his sword in the air "the beast is slane!" and then he pops back down onto the ground continues to army crawl forwards

---------------im sleepy end chapter fuck you love grass--------------------

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