Chap 6-...... laugen... loffin... laughin.... laugh......the town of laughter..

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After a few confusing laughter filled conversations this 'old man earl' takes you and the others back to the town

"Earl, what is the town of joy and wonder called?" gillion asks

"Hu? Well you've stumbled onto the island of loffinlot" the man chuckles "and this is the island of mornstead, welcome home, i guess"

You look around the town and are not a fan whatsoever

"I know I said to drop me off at any island but I don't like this one, 0/10 island right here. not a fan."

"See, listen to the kid here, you got a boat you leave" earl laughs ... a lot of laughing. What's so funny?

"Say everyone's quite... elated... here aren't they?.." you turn round once looking amongst the orange sellers and towns folk to see that they are all laughing and giggling and smiling

"Happy? I know it's terrible" the old man giggles out

"They're all.. Laughing.." jay looks around as well

"I hate this place!" the old man barks out as he continues to lead you and the others through this strange town
Gillion moves back to whare you an jay are walking "I don't understand how land works, but if this was underwater and I got here, it would be very sus." he whispers

Jay chuckles nervously "it is very sus"

"Yes i concur very mutch sus"

"right, great we agree that its sus and all but we can't do anything about it without a boat to leave" chip whispers harshly, staring at Gillion pointedly

"Whatever we need a place to sleep no matter what we do," you say, turning your attention to 'old man' Earl.

"so, you mentioned an inn?"

"yes! haha, i own it, called the, teehee, Or-inn-ge Tavern"

"right, what would it take us to... hypothetically get a room there"

"well. i can't stress, haha, this enough, do not stay here, hehe, leave" you fully brush Earl off.

"yes yes whatever. How much do you want? I got gold, I got these cool rocks I found, what do you want?" Jay gives you a look that says to stop talking, but you don't like her that much, so you keep going

"uh, so I also have like this cool leaf? i also got a piece of fabric, it's from Chip's shirt so like, don't know how valuable that is-" Chip is patting down his shirt, feeling around for any large holes,

"Yes yes, hehe, just come to my Inn and we can talk business there haha."
you give the group a thumbs up, as Jay looks at you with dead eyes, Chip and Gill give you a thumbs up back you're a businessman alright.

You continue to walk towards the inn ahead for everyone else until you reach the entrance and slam the the doors open strutting forwards and taking a seat at the bar

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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