Imagine 61: Doesn't Matter

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Y/N's (Your Name) Point of View

"I think that boy likes you", Shane suddenly stated.

I scoffed, busy encoding, "Completely nonsense..."

"Nonsense? Then why does he keep on staring at you? Huh?"

I stopped typing for a second and looked at the boy Shane was talking about. She was right, he was indeed staring at me, but looked away in a second after noticing that I was also staring back at him. But I don't want to assume things immediately.

"Are you even sure he's looking at me? Cause I don't think so...", I tried to deny the situation and all Shane could do is shook her head.

"Well, if you say so. But literally Y/N, I really think he's interested at you", she stated but I decided to ignore it. I'm too occupied right now to even care about things like these. I'm not into love nor dating nowadays since finals are coming, we have a lot of outputs to submit, and a lot more. In short, my student life is indeed very busy nowadays.

"By the way Y/N, are you done voting for the new set of school officers?", Shane said.

"What officers?", I replied, too occupied in encoding my output on the laptop.

"Hello? Aren't you notified with the things that are happening in our school?"

"Uh... Obviously no", I replied, still looking at the screen of my laptop.

"Oh goodness Y/N. Today is the last day for the voting, at exactly 10:00 am!"

I crossed my arms as I looked up to her, "And so what?", I said, purely uninteristed.

She then sighed, "It's one of the requirements for our clearance"

My eyes widened, "What?! For real?! Why didn't I know that?"

"Because you're too occupied, like girl, you need a break"

I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It's already 9:45, goodness!

I quickly stood up, "You look for my things, I'll go and vote now. Damn this!"


I was panting really hard, catching my breathe, before I opened the door of the COMELEC's office. Imagine, running from the first floor to the sixth floor using the freaking long staircase. Good thing my knees didn't break off.

"Y/N! Hi there!", John, one of my former classmates, greeted me as soon as I got in.

"Hi, is the voting still open?", I said, still oanting hard.

"Yes it is. Hey, are you okay?", John worriedly said.

I sat down and sighed, "I'm fine, but do you have any water?"

He laughed, "Of course...", he then went to their mini refrigerator and took out a bottled water, "Here~", he said and handed me it.

"Thanks!", I smiled and was about to open the bottle when the door suddenly slammed open.

"Oh! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to slam the door"

I looked up to see who it is, and surprisingly, it was him. The boy that Shane was talking about; the boy who were staring at me a while ago.

"Anything I could help you?", John asked him.

"Is the voting still on?", he said, also panting for air. I guess he didn't know it too.

"Oh, yes. Please sit down here"

"Thank goodness!", the boy sighed as he went towards me and sat beside.

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