May 5th

35 2 2

Mic is standing on the rooftop of the UA building, looking down at the ground. He checks his phone, deleting all the notifications before untying his shoes and taking them off. He places them on the ledge and stuffs what appears to be a letter into one of them. As he steps closer to the edge, his phone buzzes with a new notification, showing a birthday cake on the left side of it. Hizashi Yamada looks up at the sky, sighs deeply, and wipes away a tear that's rolling down his face.

- Zashi...

Startled, Hizashi turns around to see Shota Aizawa standing there, panting. The sound of birds chirping can be heard in the quietness of the early May morning. More tears stream down Hizashi's face as he watches Shota, who has climbed the many stairs of UA just to reach him in time.

- Shota... I'm sorry.

- Hizashi...

The underground hero tries to approach, but Mic takes a step back, getting closer to the edge. He raises his hand, making him stop in his tracks.

- D-don't come closer, Hizashi stutters.

He looks at his lovers with teary eyes, then shifts his gaze to the ground far below, knowing that if he lets Shota speak, he'll miss his chance.

- Hizashi !

Before he can react, Eraserhead throws his scarf at Hizashi, wrapping him tightly in it. He tries to break free, but he knows he can't. He stops struggling and looks at his husband, the numbness and despair visible in his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks. His long blond hair is down, like any other day when he doesn't have to appear in public. After a moment, Aizawa pulls him closer, unties his scarf and embraces him. Mic's body trembles with sobs as he hugs him back. The tired teacher begins to stroke his back as Hizashi continues to cry, burying his face in his savior's shoulder. He doesn't want to let go.

This moment feels like it's lasting forever.

When Mic finally pulls away, he is somewhat calmer. Aizawa looks into his eyes and gives him a tender smile. He notices that his eyes are also wet; he has been silently crying, too.

- I'm sorry, Sho...

-It's... Don't worry about it. I understand.

He takes out his phone and starts texting someone. As the screen lights up, Mic sees the same notification he got earlier, with a birthday cake on the left side of it. He smiles sadly, knowing that Shota wouldn't need this reminder to remember today's date. He kneels down and puts his shoes back on.

- Who are you texting ?

- Hitoshi. Telling him that we'll be coming home later than usual.

Mic slowly looks up and wipes away the remaining tears from his eyes.

- We aren't that late...

Aizawa puts his phone in his pocket after sending the text and smiles.

- Let's go to the car.

The blond slowly nods. They go back into the building and, cursing the broken elevator, they slowly go down the stairs into the parking lot. Walking towards the car, Shota unlocks it and opens the passenger door for his husband, then goes to the driver's side and sits behind the wheel. Mic gets in and closes the door behind him, quickly fastening his seatbelt. Without looking at him, Aizawa starts the engine and drives out of UA. Trying to distract himself from his thoughts, Present Mic looks out the window at the view. The car takes a turn, and he furrows his brow, looking at the driver.

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