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Wednesday, 5th of May

Dear diary, today, Oboro took us to an ice cream shop.

It was Hizashi's first time trying ice cream, Oboro picked the flavors for him, and he liked it, even though he still struggles with eating things like that. We all just turned 16, and I never want this moment to end. UA truly is an amazing place to be.


- Eh, Shota. Get that face of yours off your books for a second, I want to show you something.

I looked up from my book. It was "History of a superhuman society". Oboro was looking at me, smiling.

- You never stop studying, do ya, Shota ?

I sighed. No need to turn around to know who was talking to me. I got up slowly, leaning onto the wall. You know, low iron problems.

- Shut up, Zashi.

He laughed, like he always did. I couldn't't help but smile slightly. Oboro walked closer to us and put one hand on my shoulder and the other on Hizashi's.

- As you know, today's my birthday. So, I wanted to take you somewhere.

- Yeah !!! I'm sure it'll be FIRE.

I nodded slowly, closing the book and stuffing it into my backpack.

- Fine. As long as it's somewhat quiet.

Oboro took us to a small café-looking place. It was an ice cream shop. Hizashi's eyes widened as he saw the many flavors available; there must've been at least thirty. 

- It isn't widely known, but I've celebrated all of my birthdays in here, and today's no exception, so...

I looked at Hizashi, who smiled. He gave us a thumbs up and got his wallet out. Oboro put his hands on Zashi's.

- Nuh-uh. I'm paying.

- But, it's your birthday.

- And you have no money.

Oboro wasn't exactly wrong. Mic didn't have much money. He grew up in a lower class family and had already struggled to pay his UA tuition, so he couldn't afford something like that back then. Not that the ice cream was expensive, he really couldn't have afforded even a rubber duck if he'd wanted to. Hizashi frowned when it was our turn to choose the flavors.

- I've never... I've never tried any... Scooped ice cream, before.

- Well, everything has its first time, right ? Apple and Yellow Lemon, please, he said to the guy behind the counter. For your hair and your eyes. 

I could see that Mic was uncomfortable. He never was used to people buying things for him. 

- And a... Stracciatella and... Charcoal Cotton Candy one, for my friend Shota, Haga-san.

- And for you ? As usual, I'm guessing ? The man asked him. He seemed to know Oboro really well. 

- Yes, please. 

We moved closer to the counter to pay, but Haga-san shook his head.

- I know what day it is, he said smiling, extending his arm to run his hand through Oboro's fluffy hair. Enjoy your ice cream, boys. 

We sat at a square table in the corner of the room, next to a window. Oboro sat right besides it, while Mic took the sit in front of him. I sat next to Hizashi.

- I like that seat. I can see all of what's happening outside from here. 

- Why that choice of ice cream for me ?

He chuckled before giving me his answer.

- Stracciatella isn't all vanilla or all chocolate, it's a balanced mix of both that's excellent. And for the Charcoal Cotton Candy, well, it made me think of you.

I scoffed and looked at the black scoop of ice cream.

- What ? Because I'm always dressed in black ?

- Could be, he said, laughing softly. But more because it's just like you; looking dark from the outside, sweet on the inside. 

I raised my eyebrows at that sentence, but smiled anyway.

- You guys should start eating them. They're melting in your hands.

That was true. He had already eaten half of his ice cream, a blue and white one, while we hadn't touched ours. Mic looked at the ice cream and licked it hesitantly. I saw his eyes widen, almost sparkling.

- This is... This is so good !

I smiled and looked at him. His smile, not different from the one a child would've had on their face after opening a Christmas present, was the best gift he could've given Oboro for his birthday. I couldn't help but smile, too. 


We stayed there until dawn, talking about life and about some teachers we hate. I had to finish Mic's ice cream, he still has to get used to eating sweet things without thinking about what his parents used to tell him. I'm sad for him. You know, he has been having trouble eating for a while. When he does eat in the cafeteria at lunch, he barely touches his food. I wish I could help him. Anyway. I have to go to sleep; tomorrow is school day and we have exams, so I better be rested for once.


Shota closes the diary and sighs, looking around in the bathroom. He's been sitting there. Polaroids and letters are spread on the floor, with him sitting cross-legged in the middle, his old diary held tight in his hand.

Oh, how he wishes they could've lived in that moment forever.

But the past is in the past, isn't it ?

Silent tears begin to roll down his cheeks as he holds the diary close to his heart.

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