1. Roommate

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This pic is just so funny I can't. 

Here we begin... 


"How's the new term, sweetheart? Enjoying your last term at uni?" The familiar voice coming out from the AirPods makes Alex think that his mum is walking beside her, only that they are thousands of miles away from each other. The sun is still burning in Los Angeles even if it is already the end of summer.

Alex pushes his sunglasses that slide down his nose. "Everything is fine, mum, besides the weather, 'm literally in the oven now. If I can't get in the house in a minute, I swear to god..."

"Oh speaking of the house." Ellen interrupts his son. "I heard that your roommate moved out?"

"Yeah, transferred to Seattle. I'm looking for a new roommate." Alex crosses the road and gets under the shades.

"I have a friend, British. Her son just transferred to your school and is looking for a house. He's the same age as you. What do you think?"

"Britsh?" Alex walks up to his door and pulls out the key. "Well... Living habit and stuff, dunno."

At the other end, Ellen seems to be interrupted. "I believe you guys are gonna get along well. I'll send you his number and you could text him. I've got a meeting now, bye, love you." Then she hangs up.

"Love... Oh." His phone buzzes as he gets into the house.

mummummum: +44 7700 900463

mummummum: Contact him ❤️

Okay, Alex thinks, British could be good. There's no one I can't get along with ever since I could talk. So he clicks on the number and sends a text.

Hi, this is Alex. Mum informed me that you are looking for a house. I live in an apartment on Stuart Street and I'm currently looking for a roommate. When do you like to move in? :)

Moments later, Alex is eating salad when his phone buzzes. The screen shows a text.

+44 7700 900463: Thanks, I'm Henry. Would 8 p.m. today be okay? Please send me the location.

Cold and boring, Alex grimaces.


Alex would rather go to hell than agree with Ellen if he foresees the situation.

The last pile of dirty clothes has just been thrown into the washing machine when the doorbell rings. "Coming!" Alex sprints to the door, runs a hand through his dark curls and puts on a smile before opening the door.

The lamp on the wall lights up the small area in front of the door and the figure on the stairs. The boy is in a gray suit carrying a suitcase. The suit fits him, vaguely revealing his bulging biceps and broad chest (And Alex is not staring, just analyzing, as he would argue). As the door opens, the boy snaps his head up.

The smile on Alex's face freezes as the boy's face is no longer shaded by his blond hair. "What the fuck??! Henry, is Henry Fox Henry??!"

"Oh Alex, Alex Claremont-Diaz, never thought that the perfect American boy according to my mum could have any chance be you." Henry says through his gritted teeth, popping the "perfect".

Alex uses his willpower to stop himself from rolling his eyes, his damn British accent. "Did you finally graduate from the snobbery school or did your nature of looking down on people get more prominent these years?"

"Well in your case," Henry steps on the last stair, standing on the same level as Alex and stares at him. "I would say it's rather inevitable. I'm leaving." With that, he picks up his suitcase and starts walking down the stairs.

Comfort --RWRB College AUWhere stories live. Discover now