11. Apart

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The plane lands after a few hours. Alex carefully tugs the journal into the back of his backpack, where it is closest to his body. His fingers linger on the cotton texture cover, don't want to let go just yet.

So, Henry heard his confession, they talked things out, and they love each other. Alex should be over the moon now, but there's something in his heart that is shielding the beam of joy. Maybe it's Henry's sad figure when they were about to leave. The separation troubles Henry, and whatever troubles Henry troubles him.

Nora and June are chirping, dragging Alex along with them to run toward the exit. Alex follows, shrugging off the pressure on his heart.

When the familiar smell of detergent and perfume hits his nostrils, Alex finally relaxes. "Welcome home, sweetheart." Alex returns the hug, taking in a deep breath. "Thanks, Mum. I missed you a lot." This is home.

Nora parted with them at the airport, so it is the three of them in the car now. June laughing and chatting with Ellen at the front, leaving Alex in the backseat, quieter than usual. He taps his screen, 3:34 P.M., Henry's plane will land at 9, that's six hours to go. He sighs.

The lock screen is a back view of a certain British boy, sitting in front of the large window, looking at something outside. The backlight makes it difficult to see the detail of his face, but one can make out the shape of his fringe hanging softly, his straight nose, and his plump lips. Alex stares at it until the phone locks, the black screen reflecting his own face.

He closes his eyes, imagining himself in that picture, with him. He will stand there and watch him for a while, then tip-toe to him and suddenly hug him from behind. The boy in his arms will be caught off guard and shudder, blaming Alex for interrupting his peace but resting his head back on Alex's shoulder nonetheless.

Ellen notices Alex's unusual silence and checks his son through the rearview mirror. "Alex baby? What's on your mind? Anything I can help?" Alex pinches the bridge of his nose to bring himself back to reality. Anything she can help with? Alex is not sure what his Mum can do, he's not even sure what he can do now. He meets Ellen's worried gaze in the rearview mirror, giving a weak smile, he looks away. "Nah. 'Bit tired lately." June looks at Alex over his shoulder, arching a questioning brow. Alex shakes his head subtly. He leans back and closes his eyes.

Henry's flight should be half over now. Is he above the Pacific now? Atlantic? Or Asia? God, he does suck at Geography, as Henry always criticizes. But he knows Henry is in the first class, 4A, it is a seat beside the window.

Rich first-class boy, Alex laughs to himself. He remembers teasing Henry like this when he saw his ticket, the night before they left. Henry talked about his family. His grandfather was a former European nobility who started his business in England in his early years. His father ran his own company and was a financer in London. To put it simply, every member of his family is in the business, making his family extremely rich. Baby boy Henry grew up traveling in first class, if not private jet. Alex was more than shocked when he heard this.

But a traditional rich family is not as good as people may think. Alex remembers, when Henry said this, his gaze landing at somewhere else, exhaling deeply. "It's like an airtight castle." His eyes were wet again. Alex pulled him into his arms, the two of them lying on the rug on Alex's bedroom floor, the yellowish light of the street lamp outside casting on them.

Henry rested his head on Alex's chest, rising and falling with the rhythm of Alex's breaths. Alex was lost, he didn't know what to do besides patting Henry's back soothingly and kissing the top of his head from time to time. Damn it. Why Henry has to endure all of this? What is the purpose of staying beside him then? Just to be a pillow for him to hold?

Comfort --RWRB College AUWhere stories live. Discover now