8. Story

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Random pic of the hottest friend group ever 

Ik I'm shit at naming the chapters, bear w/ me, will u? 



Days fly by when it gets to the end of the year. Christmas elements started creeping in at the start of December and it only grew stronger as the days go colder. People are always buzzing around, planning on the holiday after the finals. Red, green, and gold begin popping on the streets as the Christmas songs go on replay.

Nora has her last final on the last day of the exam week, unfortunately. Henry, unfortunately as well, has to finish a project before the holiday. So Alex is still in his apartment in LA despite finished his exams days earlier. June moved in for the last few days as they plan on heading back to DC together.

About a week before their departure, Alex and June are chatting in the living room. Nora is still in the library studying, Henry upstairs in the room, maybe. June takes a cinnamon roll from the coffee table. "Did mum tell you? About the dinner with Henry's family. She said we're having dinner in our house, in DC." "Yeah." Alex says while chewing, sound muffled. "Why? Just because we live together?" June shrugs. "Dunno, shouldn't be. Think mum is cooperating with his mum." Alex nods, his mind drifting to Henry, inevitably.

After that night in the club, Alex feels like he's tiptoeing on a field full of mine. He wants to run around freely but, in reality, all he can do is to take what is given. He gets over the moon when Henry asks to cuddle and watch a movie. He lies in his bed completely restless when Henry refuses to talk to him the whole day. It is natural to blame people like Henry, but Alex can't.

He notices that, when he is tiptoeing around, Henry is tortured not even a bit less. Henry never tells, but Alex can see it on his face. His brows are knitted more often, bottom lip constantly caught between his teeth. When the room is quiet and Alex thinks nobody is home, he often finds that Henry is standing in front of the window, still, staring at nothing in particular.

"So, Henry," June is clearly on the same page. "He's not happy these days, yeah? Didn't see him that much but it's quite obvious. You fought?"

"God no!" Alex looks away. "How could I?" He mumbles under his breath. "He's... We're... It's... weird." As always, Alex can't form a coherent sentence when it comes to Henry and the confusion is making the situation worse.

June raises a brow, signaling him to continue. Alex puts down the mug. "It's always been weird, but it got worse after the day we went to the club. You guys ran into me and Henry, remember?" June nods.

"Nora, maybe Percy, asked if we were together, can't remember. But I denied, immediately." Alex takes a deep breath. "Because the first time we, well, stepped over the nonplatonic line, he said he didn't want our relationship to change. His words got stuck in my brain this whole time and were haunting me. I was sure that he didn't want a relationship and I was okay with this, at first at least. But it became more than a one-time thing, it went beyond sex. Sometimes he made me feel like we've been boyfriends for years, you know? But other times he acted like he wanted nothing more. He's driving me insane June! So when they asked, I denied. What else can I say, God. And yet, now Henry's acting all weird. We get intimate from time to time, and other times, he's just hurt and closed up."

Alex looks down at his lap after the long paragraph. June stays silent for a few moments. "You do like him a lot." The words come out as an assertive sentence and Alex nods.

"I know." Alex shuts his eyes, memories come flashing back. June shifts in the couch for a comfortable position, it's going to be a long story.

"It all starts from ninth grade, we're attending the same competition in Melbourne, our first encounter. I was so arrogant back then, felt like I could do anything, could get anything. But that one week in Melbourne made me realize just how insignificant I was, and Henry was a big part of the reason why I felt that way. He was dazzling. Henry Fox was the name every contestant knew, coz he got the gold medal in every category. I can still remember," Alex chuckles as he recalls the scene, "the host read out his name loud and clear. HENRY FOX!! The sound echoes, mixed with the cheers and applause in the room."

Comfort --RWRB College AUWhere stories live. Discover now