3- A Heart So Heavy, A Soul so free

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"Anybody who easily believes lies about you without hearing your side of the story was already looking for a way to be against you"



Aayan sat at his desk in his cozy office overlooking the bustling streets of Lahore. The warm afternoon sun lightly filtered through the window, casting a glow on his fair complexioned face.

With a smile that never seemed to fade, he began typing away on his laptop, juggling the numerous tasks that awaited his attention.

"Clout Chasers" He hissed as he came across an email of the shutting down of a media house that dared to defame Anas.

He was glad that his best friend; Anas, didn't take the accusations the media house laid down on him casually. The media house was known for accusing a target, gathering fake evidence and still having the audacity to being the first to sue with the belief that 'The person to first report, is the one on the right side'.

With Anas, it wasn't business as usual because he not only cleared his name, but pulled every string to ensure it was shut down for good. He made a mental note to call Anas later. Or better still, he would just visit him later.

Just as he was caught up in a flurry of emails, his phone buzzed with an incoming call.

Glancing at the screen, he grinned and answered, "Assalamu Alaik, Ammiiiiiii na! How's my favorite lady?"

His mother; Hajiya Ameerah's voice came through the phone, filled with a mixture of excitement and mischief. "Hello, Waalaik Assalam, my dear Aayan! I've been thinking about you. Did I tell you about all the lovely young girls I've met recently? They would be perfect matches for you!"

Aayan laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. His mother's matchmaking attempts was well-known by everyone who he has encountered. his best friend Anas, who often jokingly referred to him as the "eligible bachelor of the century" always teased him about it.

"Ammi na, you know this handsome son of yours appreciates your love and concern, but let's talk about something else. More pressing matters. How have you been?"

His mother chuckled, relenting momentarily. "Alright, alright. I am doing well, my dear. But promise me you'll give this marriage thing some serious thought one day!"

Aayan's charming persona shone through as he replied, "I promise, Ammi. But for now, let's focus on the present. How's everything back at home? How's the weather there?"

"Oh God, Aayan" He could imagine his mother slumping her shoulders dramatically like the absolute drama queen she is. "Your father took my favourite blanket yesterday. So, I had to sleep with one that gave me a cold"

Aayan chuckled.

"How can a specific blanket give someone a cold and one that looks exactly like it but with a different colour not?" He thought with a smile. No. he didn't dare say that aloud. Ammi will skin him alive together with her husband.

The love he had for this woman knew no bounds. Sometimes, he did wonder and silently wished that if he ever had to get married then, his future wife; whoever she is, is just as dramatic as his mum.

He could remember the one time his father came back from a friend's home for dinner and praised the man's wife for her 'incredible fried rice'. Well, to cut the story short, the whole family had to eat fried rice for one straight week. And by that one week, don't even dare think it is once a day. No! They had to eat fried rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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