5- A Soul So Trapped, A Heart So Rapped

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My Side of The Story is not a defence, It's a revelation.

Kydah found herself perched upon the sterile, cold bench in the somber antechamber of the hospital, a place where time seemed to stand still amidst the eerie echoes of subdued whispers and distant footsteps.

The harsh fluorescence of the overhead lights cast stark shadows upon her delicate features, highlighting the subtle lines of worry etched into her brow.

"Kydah Hussein" The attendant called and she nodded her head to indicate it was her name that was called. "The doctor will meet you in 20 minutes"

As she sat, her eyes darted nervously around the room, catching glimpses of fleeting gazes from other occupants. Their stares bore into her like relentless probes, dissecting her every essence with an intensity that made her skin crawl.

She could feel the weight of their judgement, heavy and suffocating, pressing down her fragile psyche.

Kydah tried to look anywhere but at them, trying to remain a solitary figure, adrift in a world of her own making. She clutched the worn edges of her veil tightly around her slender frame, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of fabric against skin.

"You may go in, Miss Hussein" The attendant's voice brought her back to life and she jolted before muttering a silent, "Okay" As she stood and walked down the long hallway.

The air hung heavy with the scent of antiseptic, mingling with the faint traces of despair that permeated the very walls of the hospital. Each breath she took felt like a struggle, as if the very act of existing in this place was a battle unto itself.

"Can I come in?" She asked as she knocked slightly on the door that read, 'Dr KALTHUME'.

"Yes, please" A voice answered from inside, "Please come in, Kydah"

She made her way in and gave her a tight lipped smile as she always did before sitting down on the chair. "Good evening"

The room was spacious and well-lit, with large windows that let in the afternoon sunlight. The walls were painted a calming shade of light blue, creating a serene atmosphere.

In the center of the room, there was a sleek, modern desk neatly organized with files and a few potted plants. Behind the desk, there was a comfortable leather chair where the doctor sat, looking professional and attentive.

On the walls, there were framed medical degrees and certificates, showcasing expertise and qualifications. Shelves lined with medical books and journals filled one corner of the room, highlighting dedication to staying up-to-date in the field.

"Good evening, Kydah" Dr Kalthume greeted back, removing the glasses that sat firmly on her nose as she looked at Kydah. "I see you've decided to not skip your appointment today"

"Yes. I am here for my appointment" Kydah grumbled. "And as always, I had to wait. And endure everyone's gaze on me."

Kydah had to attend because in as much as she hated attending it, she hated not attending it more because that doctor will still later come back to the same home she lives in and she isn't one to take such 'carelessness' (as she calls) it lightly.

"No one's gaze is on you, Kydah. Understand that. Everyone is living their life out there." Dr. Kalthume Explained. "The same way time doesn't stop for anyone; no one stops what they are doing for anyone. Everyone out there has a life"

One thing she knew for sure was her mum making her wait was always part of her treatment as Dr. Kalthume believed in action treatment more than medical treatment. She wanted her to get used to people around and get rid of the whole 'people are staring at me' theory.

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