10- The Shadows that hunt, The truth that Taunts

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|So, you only heard one side of the story and chose to believe it. Well now, that makes you as smart as paste doesn't it.|


Kydah looked up, surprised by Aayan's sudden appearance, and of all places in the world, at her home. A combination of shock and anger flashed across her face before she forgot about all the pain she was in, stood up and composed herself.


It was as if she was trying to confirm if her eyes were playing a dirty prank on her or if it was her whole life that was a prank. She stood unable to utter a single word towards him.

Dr kalthume took that as her cue to excuse the duo as she dragged her four years old Zohra with her to her room.Dr. Kalthume's exit was what confirmed to her that indeed, neither her eyes nor her mind were playing a prank on her. It was real!

Aayan walked, moving closer to her as he stood right at her face. "So, we meet again Miss Hussein"

Kydah narrowed her eyes, Still in a state of shock. "When..... When did you come back Aayan?"

"When did I come back?" He chuckled bitterly not moving his eyes away from her even for a split second. "That is for me to know and you to shut up!"

Kydah Chuckled. "It's not a surprise that you are still immature........What are you doing in my house? How do you even know where I live?"

"How do I know where you live?" he repeated the question with disgust evident in his voice.

"Yes Aayan" Kydah retorted. "You've learnt the new art of repeating questions I can see"

It was kind of starting to annoy her how he was repeating every question while making her look like a fool in the process.

"Kydah Hussein. That's the thing about you. You think you are that important for me to find where you live. I promise you Miss Hussein...." He stopped a bit before continuing. ".........You are a big clown..... A very big one. I was sent to this house by Mukhtar Aminu and I had no idea you live here."

"The thing is I actually refuse to engage in your petty talks. Since you are in my house now, you know, you could lay your head a bit Aayan. It is quite surprising that you haven't changed even a bit. I should have known you are still not grown up." Kydah retorted before she decided to introduce her position "By the way. Kydah Hussein, that you already know. Mukhtar Aminu's will be wife"

The change in his demeanor could be deciphered by even a 2-year-old child. Deep down, he knew exactly that she was the person he was sent to, the moment she came down the stairs. He knew her status as Mukhtar's fiancée but that 0.1% chance of it not being true was what he was holding on to. He deeply wanted it to be so before she shattered the 0.1%.

Aayan sneered, his blue eyes turning extremely dark as even in the face of anger, his dimple was coming out extremely well.

"So, what exactly is your motive?"

"Excuse me?" she asked surprised at the sudden change or maybe it was at the unexpected, anything but meaningful question that was thrown at her.

"Kydah Hussein. What do you want from Mukhtar? Believe me. I am a very direct person. What do you want? Money? Connection? What?" Aayan asked turning away from her as he made way to the couch and sat back.

He brought out his phone and went straight to candy crush as if he had not just started a serious topic.

Kydah was in shock. The tear that stubbornly slipped from her eye couldn't hold back her rage at Aayan as she followed him to exactly where he sat and stood in front of him. "Who do you think you are and what even gives you the right to ask me such barbaric questions?......And that too, while standing in my house?"

"I am in the least interested in staying a minute longer in your house, Miss Hussein.....But if you are really that inquisitive, then stop" he stood up as he moved very close to her; barely an inch apart "I know you so well and you know me just as much miss Hussein. Save my father's friend the trouble of finding out the kind of horrible person you are...... Just Save us all"

"Aayan?" She called out on her tongue. "Aayan...... As in Mukhtar's Aayan? Aayan Ahmed Zeyad?"

How dumb could she be?

But again, what were the odds?

She even visited Aayan's home then and even met his mum. How could she not have known?
And his mum, they even lookalike.
The Aayan Mukhtar told her about was nothing like this.

"Aayan you don't have any right to do what you are doing...."

"Oh shut it" he interrupted rudely. "Now I am going to tell you one thing Miss Hussein. I've realized that while I thought you were just a razz, rude and uncouth lady, there is more to it than meets the eye. So, if you think for a minute that you will be honored to get married and play baby to a sugar daddy while betraying him, then you are wrong. I promise...."

"If you utter another word against my character, then Aayan, Wallahi Tallahi, I will...."

"You will do what?" he asked daringly now barely 2 meters away from her. "What the hell will you do, Miss Hussein. Move to another sugar daddy and dig more gold? You petty gold digger"

"Enough. Aayan. That is more than enough" she screamed, her voice breaking, not trying to even control the tears now. "You will carry your legs and get out of this house right this minute......... And please, don't ever come back"

"Believe me. I won't" he replied as he turned around to leave.

"Aayan Ahmed Zeyad" Kydah screamed making him to halt in his steps. "What did you refer to me as?"

Aayan turned and stayed in the same spot, looking her daringly right in the eye. "A callous opportunist.....You are nothing but a callous opportunist Kydah Hussein"

"So, you came to my house and called me an opportunist without any reason whatsoever, then what exactly should people like you be called?" She halted, her voice still shaking due to anger. ".... Judgmental and Hypocritical"

"An opportunist never actually accepts what they are, and that exactly, is the problem"
And without waiting for her reply, he once again turned and used the same passage he came in through to leave. While coming in he was intrigued and studied every element of the house.

This time, he was too frustrated to notice anything but his car as he got in and reversed in the most abnormal pace he had ever done.

Kydah sat down on the floor, tears flowing out as she stared into space oblivious of the figure standing before her.

Zohra ran out as soon as he left as if she was just waiting and  enveloped her in a hug as she rocked her as if she was just a little girl.

In this moment, her differences with Zohra didn't matter as no one would have given her the warmth her Zohra is giving her right now.

"Shhhhh" Zohra cooed. She didn't like crying in front of her. Heck! She hated it.

Author's Note

Is writing on Wattpad demotivating? Yes!!! Very. When you keep writing and it really doesn't show much, it seems not worth it.


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