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There are three sides to every story: Your Side, Their side, THE TRUTH"


"And so be it. May Allah see you through Aayan. Just know that we are always praying for you" Mukhtar Iliyasu Prayed genuinely with a smile etched on his face. The smile that was almost a constant whenever he talked to this son figure of his.

It was a sunny afternoon, Mukhtar sat on her porch swing, basking in the warm summer breeze.

"Ameen Thumma Ameen Chairman. And I will most certainly bring Lahore to you since you refused to bring yourself to Lahore." The voice at the other end of the phone said with sarcasm evident in the voice.

"Well, I will be very much ready to welcome the whole of Lahore as long as you are the one bringing it. Foolish boy"

They both laughed at their little argument that had everything to do with Mukhtar not visiting his best friend's son in Lahore for the past 2 years he had been there. He was always busy which made Aayan actually wonder when he had time to do anything else in life.

Aayan knew that he himself loved to work, but will he consider himself a workaholic? Certainly not. He knew very well how to balance work and life as they are two entirely different things.

"And how is the Mughal project coming along?" Mukhtar asked.

"Perfect. Just some basic things that were left out at the beginning before we reach the phase where we will most definitely need your involvement, Chairman"

"Masha Allah then. I will be waiting for that involvement call Achu. I hope it happens sooner than later."

Aayan laughed at the name Mukhtar had always called him which kind of had its own story behind it but let's not delve into that.

"Okay then Chairman. Fi Amanillah. Goodbye"

And he ended the call staring at the ceiling watching every line of it. Whenever he sees any design, the first thing that comes to mind is how it can be improved.

Aayan sat back at his desk in his office, the warm sun streaming in through the large windows, casting a golden hue over the room. The office was tastefully decorated with dark wood furniture, plush carpets, and intricate Persian rugs. The walls were adorned with framed certificates and awards, showcasing Aayan's impressive achievements in his field.

He made a mental note to pack all his certificates and awards and take them back to his Ammi when he returns back home to Nigeria. Maybe she didn't ask for it, but he knew she would want to have a feel of her son's success; The success that wouldn't have been anywhere possible without her.

The weather outside was hot and humid, typical of a summer day in Lahore.

Aayan was dressed in a light blue linen shirt and khaki trousers, trying to stay cool in the sweltering heat. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead as he tried to focus on the reports spread out in front of him.

Just on cue, Anas Muhammad; Aayan's best friend and partner in crime, burst open the door and walked right in as if it was his personal bedroom. He threw his coat on one side of the office landing it perfectly on the sofa as he made himself very comfortable on the visitor's chair right in front of Aayan.

"Waalaikum-Salam to you as well" Aayan rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"I made my Salam in my heart, brother" Anas rolled his eyes back, pronouncing the 'brother' in a very different accent. "And if you didn't hear it, then that very much sounds like a 'you' problem"

Aayan sighed, trying to hide his smile at Anas's antics. "You look like you were flushed down with a million types of bacteria. You good?"

"I am far from good," Anas complained. "I had been working since yesterday. I Totally forgot to eat and sleep, and I think my battery percentage is now at 5%"

Aayan chuckled. He knew Anas and forgetting to eat in one sentence was a complete lie. Anas will take a break from every type of work in this world to eat five times a day. "Sucks to be you. You should be resting then. What brings you here?"

Anas leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs and propping his feet up on the desk. "Oh, you know, just thought I'd come and brighten up your day with my amazing presence. You look like you could use a break"

Aayan rolled his eyes but couldn't help but chuckle at Aayan's persistence. "I appreciate the sentiment, but I really need to focus and work. Now, tell me the main reason you are here." Anas pouted, but eventually relented. "Fine, fine. Ammi tasked me to make sure you don't overwork yourself just because you feel you need to finish up everything before you travel."

"Well, I shouldn't even be surprised" Aayan chuckled. Ammi never ceases to amaze him. "Does Ammi know that this other son of hers has been overworking himself even though his own trip will be later than mine?"

"No. she doesn't. Because this son of hers is who she trusts the most" Anas bragged. It was very true though. Ammi would always take the word of Anas because she knew he wouldn't mind ratting out Aayan as he loves him almost as much as she loves him.

Aayan chuckled, his one-sided dimple flashing with every face movement. "Anas I really need to round this up though. Can we catch up later?"

Anas sighed, relenting momentarily. He knew how stubborn Aayan could be when he wanted something. 'No' didn't exist in his dictionary in the face of what he wanted.

"Okay. I will let you get back to work. But don't forget, we are having dinner together tonight and I've already placed the orders. Don't be late!"

"And oh..." Anas suddenly remembered something as he got up to leave, "Give me the blueprints. I will drop it off with the investors since it's on my way back"

"It's right over here. You are a lifesaver" Aayan handed over the file to him as he got back to work.

As soon as Anas exited the office, he took out his phone and typed a quick message to Ammi.

              ~Assalam Alaik Ammi. Aayan is fine, he isn't overworking himself. I am here okay? So, eat food, take your medicine and stop worrying. Fi Amanillah~

She immediately sent back a message as if she was waiting all day for the message to come through.

              ~Waalaik Assalam Da na (my son). I will eat and do everything else don't worry about me. Aliyah sends her regards. Goodbye~


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