Chapter 10

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As the Vees are coming up to the bell tower, Lois said, "Quick, we've got to hide Husk!" Brian and Peter grabbed Husk and carries him under the table and pulls the blanket to cover the body.

Right in time, the Vees came up the stairs, luckily they didn't see Husk. Lois said, "Vox, Velvette, Val, w-w-w-we didn't think you would come at this hour. We would've..." Val said, "Don't you worry about cleaning this place, Lois. We just want to have a little chat." The Griffins stares at each other with worry looks.

Velvette asked, "Now then, how are you all doing? Have you all learned your lesson from yesterday?" Brian said, "Of course. We've learned it the whole thing. It won't happen again." Vox asked, "And what lesson have you learned?" Chris replied, "Uh...never leave the tower again?" He asked, "And?" Meg added, "And that the world is very cruel." "And?" Stewie added, "And the people are evil." "And, what else?" Peter asked, "There's something else?" The family thought of something that they have learned, but couldn't figure it out.

Valentino said, "Let me refresh your mind. Never help out people. Especially that anyone could be a gypsy." The Griffins starts to get frighten. Val starts walking towards the family. "Do you know why I brought out that topic? Because you. Helped. Him. ESCAPED!!!" At the last sentence, he backhanded Peter, knocking him down, and given him a right black eye. The family shivering in fear, couldn't believed that the Vees had figured out how Angel got away.

Lois stuttered to explain, "B-but, Val, h-h-he..." She got grabbed in the shirt by Vox. "Is this your fucking idea!? Helping that gypsy bitch to get away from us?!" Vox glitching snarled with his hypnotize right eye glitches before tossed her to the table, hurting her back in a progress.

Lois ran in front of her children when Velvette is coming for them next. "Wait! Please! W-we're sorry!" She placed the chair in front of her, but that didn't helped because Velvette throws it out of her way. "The whole fucking city is covering in flames and it's all because of you!" Velvette shouted. She grabbed Lois and threw her across the room.

The kids and Brian was about to run to her, but Velvette blocks their way, giving them each a backslap. Chris begged, "No! Velvette! Please, stop it!" She asked, "Don't you even care about us?" Brian cried as he and the kids shedding tears, "Of course we cared!" She added, "And you'd think he can 'free' you from 'prison?'" Meg cried, "N-no! That's not we're thinking! We... No!" The Vees grabbed the kids and Brian and tossed them with Peter and Lois.

"You know that slut can't do anything. We owned you six since you were adopted and born. Haven't you forgotten about it?" Valentino reminded as he, Velvette, and Vox summons their chains to wrap around the Griffin family's necks and pulled them up.

They shows the family the contract. It shows their small hands and paw prints on the glowing paper. The Griffins remembered a little that they pressed their hands on the paper when they became a year older. Especially made Brian to print his little paw on it when he was a puppy.

Peter sniffs and whimpers, "No, we haven't." Vox said, "When we say, 'get the work done', you say..." "Yes Master." Lois whimpered. Velvette said, "When we say, 'you are forbidden to leave the tower', you say..." "Y-yes, Master." Chris whimpered softy. Valentino said, "And when when we tell you to NEVER LET A GYPSY BITCH TO ESCAPE NOR HELP HIM, you say..." The humans struggled to say something, but nothing is coming out from their mouths.

"YOU SAY...?!" Valentino repeated. Meg said frightening, "Look, Val, he's... He's really kind to us. He wouldn't hurt anyone. Please, don't hurt him." "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" Valentino roared as he lifted Meg off of her feet high to make eye contact. "THAT WASN'T KINDNESS! THAT WAS CUNNING! HE'S A GYPSY AND GYPSIES DON'T CABLE OF REAL LOVE!" He throws Meg to the ground.

Vox said, "Forget it, Val. There's no need. And Peter, we will save you and your family from his evil spell. He won't torment your daughter anymore." Peter asked, "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Velvette said, "We're talking about that we've know where we can find his hideout." Valentino said, "And at dawn, we'll attack with a thousands of guards." The Vees walks down the stairs and disappeared.

Once the Vees are gone, Husk woke up, crawled out from the table, and said, "This is bad. We can't let them find Angel. Let's go." Chris asked, "Where are you going?" He said, "WE are going to the Court of Miracles to warn the gypsies. We must get there before them." He was heading for the stairs, but no Griffin family decides to follow.

Husk looked behind him, stopped, and asked, "Aren't you coming?" Lois said, "No, we're not going with you." He asked, "What do you mean you're not going?" Brian exclaimed, "Did you not hear nor seen what they did to us? They were threatening us! We shouldn't gone to the festival in the first place!" Husk pointed out, "I thought you guys are Angel's friends."

Stewie said, "And the Vees are our masters. We can't disobey them again. Besides, you saw what happened back then. We disobeyed them, we get vegetables thrown into our faces. I think I still got some tomatoes stuck inside my ear." Husk said, "He stood up for you all. That shows how much he cares. You really shows those gratitude. If the Vees, mostly that prick Valentino gets their filthy shitty hands on Angel, there's no telling what they'll do to him. And you all got no one to blame but yourselves." He walks down the stairs.

The Griffins turned to see Cleveland, Joe, and Quagmire giving them the look, telling them to do something. Peter asked, "What? What are we suppose to do? Go out there again and rescue the spider guy, so the whole town will know that we're some kind of heroes? He already has a knight and shiny armor."

Lois said, "Peter, look at us. The Vees are right. Nobody can get us out of this. We're trapped in our tower like a prison." Brian had a second thought before said, "But Husk is right. Angel is our friend. If the Vees said that they've found the gypsies hideout, we have to warn them." Meg asked, "So, we have to go out again? What about the Vees?" He said, "We have no other choice. If we don't warn them, they all will be in jail or worse."

Peter said, "Alright, fine. Everyone, grabbed your clothes. We're heading out, once again." The Griffins grabbed their clothes, puts it over their heads and head out outside.

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