Awaiting You (Chapter 2)

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Seele found herself waiting for the day Caelus would visit. Bronya told her that Caelus said he'd visit, though he didn't specify a date.

Bronya said he mentioned something about a 'Penacony' that Seele had never heard of, though that didn't matter to her. Seele just wanted him to visit already, she felt everyday pick away at her, though she had her duties and things to do, she felt as if it all didn't matter, she was fixated on one thing. His return.

She had never felt this way before, sure, she dreamed about him, but knowing he would visit was something new. Seele was the type of person to focus on multiple things at once, but with her mind focused on one thing, it was like everything else passed as a blur.

She found herself wandering around the Administrative District in her free time, though her expression was void of any real emotion, any explicable one at the least. All Seele could think about was him, it had never been this bad, but with the promise of his return, she was smitten.

Seele would get weird looks as she walked down the street, for either her gloomy demeanor or her Underworld origin, she did not know, and she didn't care to know, either.

Though Seele would feel cold, she didn't mind it, she felt warmth from the feeling of her cheeks flaring up at the thought of Caelus, the trailblazer she adored, she remembered every interaction with him, she wished she were more friendly then, though that wasn't in her nature. She wasn't a girly girl, or at least that's what she thought, Bronya always told her that whenever Caelus was the topic of discussion she would act like a teenager in love, which in Seele's imagination, must be bad.

Seele would find herself sitting on a bench, head down and her heart hardly afloat, she didn't want to admit it, but with every passing second she felt her heart be set ablaze, it was corny, sure, but Seele wanted to share even more moments with him, even then when she wasn't feeling such emotions for him, she remembers the excitement that flared from within her whenever her and Caelus would battle, hearing the aggression and power behind his attacks inspired Seele, she looked up to him, then as a combatant, now as...

Seele was cut off from her thoughts when she felt her phone vibrate, she looked at the illuminated screen and saw a message from Bronya.

"He's here."

Seele felt her eyes widen at the very words on her screen, the pure adrenaline flowing through her body at such a simple phrase shocked even her, as she shot up from her seat and began dashing towards Qlipoth Fort, ignoring the weird glances she got as she saw the distant steps that led to the fort, which Caelus must've been.

She blew past the Silvermane guards that were stationed in front of the steps, climbing them at speeds that left the Silvermane guards in shock.

She entered Qlipoth Fort in a frenzy, she forced the doors open and ran about the halls of the gigantic structure, and eventually found the room the two were in.


As Caelus entered the room, he saw Bronya waiting, sitting behind the Guardian's Desk, staring at him intently, her look stern.

"You've finally arrived, you kept me waiting, Caelus."

Bronya would say, in her usual formal manner, her voice matching her expression as her words were firm.

"Yeah, sorry, I had some things to do before coming here..."

Caelus would say, chuckling slightly, though Bronya seemed unfazed.

Bronya quickly sent Seele a message before placing her phone on her desk.


With Bronya's silence, Caelus looked around for something to talk about, and it was then that he noticed the giant stacks of paper on Bronya's desk.

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