chapter 3

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Amelia felt relief and horrified at the same time, after listening to the doctor she knew that nobody here could harm her as they were unable to touch her. She not only saw the dark venom that spread along her body but felt it spreading within her giving power to dominate this room of people. No one moved, though the blonde girl, no younger than herself, remained trying to prevent her from hurting herself, a worried expression spread through her face.

Her body ached and the sharp burning sensation did not leave her throat, she wanted to scream in frustration. But she was worried that she might give them the wrong impression. The hospital's various odours filled her nostrils, she had to get out and somehow as if he read her mind the young boy reached out to take her hand, "let's get you out, your thirst must be maddening", his voice was silky making her relax immediately. His fingers threaded with hers, surprisingly they were the same temperature and she noticed how clearly she could see his beauty. He moved himself with such confidence that made her wonder if he wasn't afraid of what's around him. As they walked through the corridor the smells were killing her inwardly, without her own knowledge her sharp nails were digging into the young boy's lethal for arm, however he did not remove or act harshly towards it instead he placed a protective arm around her shielding her from anyone who got closer enough to touch. Her heart was thundering against her ribs, but they managed to make it all the way to the waiting sleek black Ferrari, it was very clear that these people were having their own good share of wealth. The boy made it across the car to open the door for her, she smiled after all he was so gentlemanly. "Please" he nodded, she smiled and trembled in careful not to hurt him. After she sat down comfortably in the seat he went around to the drivers and then waited patiently without driving. However, she did not have the patience of a god. She wanted to leave the hospital grounds as soon as possible. That's when he sighed understanding her confusion. He suddenly reached out to place one of his hands in seat, his long thin finger wrapping gently around her neck the touch so soft as a feather, she froze up unable to resist the exposure of the veins in the base of his elegant throat exposed to her. She did not want to harm him, she clawed her fingers at her sides and crushed her eyes shut. Those few seconds seemed to lengthen with time, he gently reached out to pull the seat belt then suddenly she felt coldness creep between them as he moved away from her. Part of her was so glad as she knew she could not resist to keep her growing claws from piercing the base of that gorgeous neck, but the other part wanted him close to her, as realization hit her. With this boy she could be herself, he wasn't afraid of her, he meant no harm either. With him she felt different, for the first time after she awakened, she felt safe.

The car moved smoothly through the gravel road, and the silence between them lengthened, she did not want to speak, and he did not try to pry into her privacy, she knew he was unlike any other. He kept to himself and did not trouble her like others might have tried questioning her with unnecessary questions. The silence between them lengthened, the handsome saviour beside her stubbornly refused to be the first to break through its coldness. "What's your name?" she looked up questioningly. "Zayden '', he replied, not taking his eyes from the front of the car. What a suiting uncommon name, she liked how it sounded just like him, independent. "Did we know each other well?" he nodded, so slightly that if she wasn't paying close attention, she would have surely missed it. "But just don't take my word for it, I know you must be feeling confused especially with your memory loss. So, for your own protection don't trust anyone yet, it's better that way." She watched him for a moment unsure if he was joking, but his expression was grave enough to tell her he was serious. So strange she wondered if he was actually giving her a choice. She decided to wait, he was right, maybe she should not trust any of them yet. Right now, her safety was the priority.

She watched as the background changed, the car turned towards a smaller road. It was getting darker by hour; the tall trees present at either side of the road stood bent towards the road. Fear gripped her heart, dark shadows crept through the trees. Her sensitive ears picked up various different smells, and she could hear leaves rustling as small creatures moved through the darkness. Part of her was lost in thought, it looked as if a horror movie was waiting to happen. "don't be afraid," Zayden's velvet voice whispered next to her, sending her heart to an extreme stop. She looked up startled at him, but only to find his glittering deep green eyes watching her filled with curiosity. For a moment she forgot everything they stared at each other for what seemed to be an eternity.

But suddenly Zayden broke eye contact looking ahead at something, she watched his expression change from the calm boy who was there before her started to shut down until his face showed no emotions at all. "Let's go, the others are waiting till we come." he nodded towards her back. She was breath taken when she got out of the car, they stood in a large garden that seemed to go on for miles. Surrounded by sky rocketing pine trees and a great bricked wall that seemed to separate these grounds from the outside world. "These walls are there to protect you from dangers lurking outside, don't leave unless it's very necessary and be careful." Before she could say anything, he disappeared into the rooms within the Magnificat bungalow before her.

It was huge, a house big enough to hold a hundred people in it, surrounded by an infinite maze of different walls and gardens. This, she realized, is the moment her life changes forever. Something was wrong, there was tension building inside her and she had to let it out. However, before she could move a gentle hand was placed on her shoulder, her own defensive reaction was not what she expected. She turned defensive against the one who touched her. She was a rather elderly woman, inhumanly beautiful, with chocolate brown hair and warm gold eyes which watched her with immense love. "Hello dear, we did not meet before. But I am Zayden's mother. Your sister's boyfriend's mother as well." She nodded at the young boy standing closely next to the younger girl who had been the one next to the elder girl who had tried to stop her. "Yes, that's your sister, Clary and your friend Jessica. I am sorry about your parents, but we are fortunate that you survived." Her kind tone was meant to be warming, she knew this woman loved her and was only trying to make her feel welcome. However, the mentioning of the accident sent a throbbing pain through her. She could not hold it any longer. She wanted to be alone away from these people, and the fire was burning her throat. Her veins felt as if they were on fire and her head was spinning. She desperately had to get away from these people and fast. "Can I rest?" she asked, her voice very distracted, her desperation was getting the better of her.

Just then the others reached them, and Clary, as if for a habit, reached out to slip her hand into Amelia's. she froze, tension rippled through her, unknowingly she pulled her hand away she knew she meant no harm however the pain in her sister's face was plainly visible. She looked so close to bursting into tears, but at the moment it was the least thing that worried her. Some dangerous part of her threatened to tear out of her and sink her sharp fangs into the thick veins that were greatly spotted with her new-found sharp vision. She was about to reach in for Clary's hand to sink her teeth into them when a strong irresistible force pulled her hands away forcing her to pay attention towards it. "Don't! she's your sister and not something you can take yourself out at." Zayden growled, making her angrier, that's when she lost her careful control. With a growl that rippled through her she attacked Zayden, her nail sharpening to make claws that sank into the broad muscular shoulders of her rescuer. Her fangs exceeded to sink into his arm that was keeping her from reaching her sister. All the others except for the adults looked terrified at her sudden transformation. But the sweet fluid that filled her mouth was irresistible. She watched, unable to break her grip from his arm, something filled the air between them. It was almost as if she could hear his thoughts. He was in pain but her attack was well expected. She wanted to move but couldn't, she looked up at him begging him to forgive her, telling him in unspoken language that there was nothing she could do.

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